Chapter Twenty

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That evening as I helped Tonks make dinner for probably the largest group of people either of us had ever cooked for the door bell rang and Tonks instantly cursed. Like a chain reaction, the painting began to start screaming about all of the blood traitors and filth in her house. I groaned and looked over to Tonks but she had already made her way out into the hall and then back again. 

"Dumbledore is here." Tonks said out of breath, "He brought the Weasleys... so you will probably want to go see them... and well, tell them you and Charlie's news." 

I groaned once again, "Which part? How am I supposed to tell them that not only are Charlie and me engaged, but I am also pregnant with our child... I barely know them... Merlin's beard..."

I tossed a couple of carrots down on the cutting board and made my way out into the hall, there I could see Mr. and Mrs. Weasley along with all of their younger children, well apart from Percy. A second girl also was in their company and stood by Ginny and Ron. 

With a smile I let Molly pull me into a hug, from behind me I heard Dumbledore clear his throat. "I suggest you continue this in the kitchen... I am afraid the portrait doesn't really like noise."

Dumbledore left not long after that and I lead the Weasley's into the dining room. I pulled out a seat and sat down, "It is so good to see you again Mrs. Weasley, Mr. Weasley." I said formally. I kept my hand rested on my knee underneath the table. 

Molly smiled and grabbed Arthur's hand, "I wish Charlie would have told us that you were going to be here!" She said happily, "Is he here as well?"

I laughed, "No, no... the reserve is as bad as ever about letting him have time off, and believe me, he has certainly earned it... some of the things he does for them... well no wonder we fell in love, he spends oh so much time being healed by me."

I could see Molly's face pale slightly and I internally kicked myself for telling her that, "But don't worry, I take care of him... I think he is honestly scared to get hurt too badly, because in all honesty sometimes the workers out there call me worse than the dragons."

Arthur gave a laugh, and Tonks placed a hand on my shoulder, "Hullo, my name is Tonks." She said softly, "I'm Indy's cousin."

The two of them gave Tonks a nod and I smiled, feeling a small burst of courage I lifted my hand off of my lap and took a shaky breath. "Um... there is something I have to tell you..." I said softly, "Charlie, well he wanted to be here... but work... and well, he proposed... and well, I said yes." I said lifting my hand up from underneath the table to reveal my black jewel ring. 

Molly let out a scream and jumped up from the table and pulled me into a hug, "Oh congratulations!" She said loudly, "And from now on you can call me mum if you want to." She said as she let me go, right away she picked up my hand and examed the ring, "Oh, it's just so... you." 

I felt tears begin to run down my face, "Oh I am so glad you are happy." I said with a shaky voice, "I wasn't sure with my parents... and well your son, he just makes me so happy." I told her, "I can't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else."

The kitchen door opened up and Ginny walked in, "Oh good!" Molly said, "Indigo has news... she and Charlie are getting married."

Ginny smiled and walked over and gave me a hug, "That's great." She said softly, I smiled.

"I really do want to get to know you, Ginny," I said softly, "I feel like I barely know any of you seeing as I live so far away... though I am staying here for awhile, working part time at Saint Mungo's and doing order stuff... we are actually sharing a room upstairs for now... I hope you don't mind."

Ginny laughed, "That's fine... but why are you here? You and Charlie just got engaged!"

I smiled, "It's just where I need to be right now, and when Charlie can get time off he will come and stay, and I will visit him... it will all be fine."

Molly smiled and patted me on the back and looked over to Tonks where she continued to work on dinner, "Now why don't Ginny and I help you girls out... it sure looks like you need it, how many people are expected at the meeting tonight?"

"Honestly," Tonks said with a loud laugh, "I have no idea."

So the four of us worked while the boys started to clean, and working gave me plenty of time to think... when would I tell them that I was pregnant, and how long could it really wait.


A few days later I sat up in my room with Ginny and one of her and Ron's friends who I learned was named Hermione Granger. The two of them sat on one of the other bed while I sat on mine. The cot sat folded up in the corner of the room as when it was down there was little room to do anything in there.

"So what is it like being a healer?" Hermione asked, "I mean it must be..."

I laughed, "It's nice, I feel like I am giving back in a way... and it's very different depending on where you are working, my shifts at Saint Mungo's, well they are nice... calm, and at the reserve, it just depends on the day. Some days are calm, and other days are insane... and usually, the insane days are all Charlie's fault, I swear he does the stupidest things some days..."

"But that's why you love him." Ginny laughed, I joined in and laid back on the bed and let out a sigh. The room seemed a lot cleaner than it had in the past couple days, and we had Hermione to thank for that. "So, do you miss him?"

I laughed and nodded my head quickly, "Yes, incredibly... and I know that he really wants to be here, but well... sometimes I hate the reserve. They don't ever give him any time off."

Ginny let out a sigh, "You were gone later than we expected yesterday. I mean... with all the drama of Eliza being here..."

The door bell from downstairs suddenly rang. "Are we expecting anyone?" Ginny asked just as the portrait of Walburga Black began to scream. I shrugged my shoulders and made my way to the door, pulling it wide open.

On the other side of the door stood a blonde woman. I barely recognized her, but from the photos, Sirius had shown me when I arrived here I knew who it must have been. "Hullo," I said softly looking her over, "You must be Edie."

She laughed lightly, but in a way, her laugh didn't seem right. It sounded a little broken, "You have no idea how long it has been since I have heard that nickname." She said again with another soft laugh, "And it seems you know me, but I don't know you."

I let out a light chuckle and covered my mouth before letting out a sigh, "Sorry, my mum never taught me any manors... which you would find funny if you knew who she was... My name is Indigo Tonks... soon to be Indigo Weasley." I told her, "Come on it."

I lead Edie past the screaming portrait of Walburga, but it seemed soon the portrait wasn't the only noise that filled the house as a voice called loudly from the kitchen. "Indigo," Molly called out, "Who was at the door?"

"Couldn't be Dumbledore already!" Sirius yelled quickly, lightly I pushed open the kitchen door and quickly noticed that Edie was hiding behind me. Something I had never really experienced. She held a lot of nerves.

I smiled, "No, not Dumbledore, I think she is far too young and far to she to be him. "I said with a laugh, "I introduce, Miss Edie, I don't know her last name..."

"Brown." Edie said stepping out from behind me, "Edith Brown."

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