My Peculiarity

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A/N: I just saw Miss Peregrine's House For Peculiar Children and got inspiration. This is an alternate world which means that there isn't as many bad things as in the actual movie. Enjoy!!

Btw the second part of Scott's powers are not in the movie and completely made up. Oh, and comment please! Tell me if these are good. Love you guyzzz!!


"Scott, you've been in this loop for a long time but I still don't know what your Peculiarity is. Can you tell me?" Mitch asked, putting the baby squirrel back in the tree, like every single day.

Like clockwork.

I sighed. "Mitchie, you know I'll tell you what I always tell you. I'll show you my Peculiarity-"

"When we are in danger, blah blah blah. You always say that but I don't know what it means!" He stepped foot on ground and I handed him his huge led shoes.

I just kissed his cheek. "Someday, baby boy. Someday."

Mitch just huffed in anger. "Come on. We have to get ready for dinner."

We went upstairs and said hi to Jeremy and Kirstie, who were working together to make a fire pit where Jeremy's dead babies would fight.

What a couple.

When we sat down at the table, Miss Marbles ran into the room and looked at me.

"Scott. Come with me. It's happening." She said with worry.

All the kids looked at us with confused looks but I just grabbed the crossbow Miss Marbles kept hidden behind a painting and ran as she turned into a bird and flew behind me.

As soon as I reached the foyer she turned back to her human form.

"Where did you hear it?" I asked.

"Near the loop entrance." We heard a noise behind us and looked to see all the kids lined up on the dining room doorway.

Mitch spoke up. "Scottie? What's happening?"

I looked at all of them. "I'll be right back, okay?" I walked closer to Mitch and wrapped him in a hug, kissing the top of his head. "I love you."

I walked through the door only to be met with a tall man, halfway turned into a Hollow. His hands turned into a knife shape and he pinned me against the wall and put the knife to my throat.

"Since only you can see me," it growled, "you'll tell your ymbryne teacher to get into this cage and I'll take her." It commanded.

I obliged.

He led me to the door, hand still on my throat. I opened it and Mitch ran towards me.

"Mitch, stop. Right there." He froze.

Miss Marbles already knew what was happening.

I lifted the bird cage and opened it. "Miss Marbles, get in here." I winked at her and her face lit up, while all the other kids gasped.

She gladly took her bird form and flew in, and the Hollow removed his "knife" from my neck.

It spoke. "Hand her to me. I must use her to finish the experiment."

I looked at Mitch, and the other kids, who looked horrified. "This is the first part of my Peculiarity. I can see it."

I handed it the cage. It inspected at Miss Marbles closely.

"Wanna see the other part?" He nodded enthusiastically.

I snapped my fingers and I started to shift.

My facial features disappeared, my mouth grew larger in size, and my limbs stretched out to make me about 10 feet tall.

I was now a Hollow.

The kids screamed. I just opened my mouth, and my tentacles grabbed the almost-Hollow and I devoured him.

Miss Marbles cage dropped to the floor. I started shifting back, but my eyes stayed a white color, as a side effect of the shift.

I opened the cage and Miss Marbles flew out, shifted, and gave me a hug.

"Well done, Scott. Thank you so much. You saved the kids. Thank you." She pulled away and I wiped a few tears that went down her cheeks.

I turned around to see Kirstie, Jeremy, Kevin, Avi, Mario, Nicole and Candice looking at me expectantly.

"I'll tell you after we loop the loop." They giggled and followed Jenna outside.

Mitch was left standing there. He had a few tears running down his cheeks as well. I kissed each and everyone of them, making him smile. I kissed his dimples and then his lips.

After we pulled away he asked me, "So Abe's wife was a Hollow, and he could see her?"

"Pretty much. Now I'm part Hollow." I felt my eyes change back to their normal blue color.

The light from the outside started to change and I knew it was just the day looping.

"Turn your eyes again... I like how they look white. You look...hotter, if that's even possible." He smiled.

I chuckled and turned my eyes back. It was kind of hard for me to do it voluntarily, but I would do anything for my baby boy.

He kissed me until we heard the door open. Nicole used her super strength and carried me upstairs.

"Bedtime story!! Tell us everything!"

Everyone, including Jenna, sat in the bed. Mitch cuddled into my side and I told them Abe's story, and how my peculiarity came to be.

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