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Avi was talking with Kevin about ONE of the arrangements, when he noticed it.

Esther was staring at one of the crew guys, Darien, he thinks his name was. Darien would often look at Esther and wink, making Esther swoon.

Avi excused himself from the conversation and walked to his sisters side.

"He seems like a d-bag." He whispered.

Esther rolled his eyes. "Are you kidding me, Avriel? I like him, so what?"

Avi crossed his arms over his chest. "I don't trust him."


Esther and Darien were now boyfriend and girlfriend.

"I still don't trust him. He could be some random fuckboy!"

"Avi, can you calm down? Leave them be!" Mitch said.

"Fine, mom. Where's dad?"

Mitch laughed. "Fuck you, and he's hanging out with Michael."


Darien came up to Avi and he put a tough façade.

"Hey, Avi?"


"I was wondering if I had your blessing to marry your sister?"

Avi was taken aback. He was not ready for that. He thought about it. This boy made his sister happy. Whenever Esther was with him she was always smiling. He wanted the best for her.

"You do."


"I do."

"You may now kiss the bride."

Darien kissed Esther, while everyone cheered and clapped.

The whole band shed tears, Avi the most. In the reception, he talked to Esther.

"I am so, so proud of you."

Esther smiled. "And I of you." They hugged for a long time.

"I love you."

"I love you more, doofus."


A/N: This was short but really cute and I love it. I don't know, okay, I just got the idea and BAM! This came up. This is just sO cUtE. I love y'all!!

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