2. Our Dorms

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'Welcome to Big Hit Entertainment.'

'You all have been gathered today because we here at Big Hit believe that the seven of you are capable of becoming one of the best groups in this industry. We believe you have what it takes.'

'This whole process of picking the best was very time-consuming and challenging. We hope we've made the right choice so don't disappoint us. We have made successful groups in the past. Like BTS, one of our most successful groups. We have some arrangements for you and BTS but I'll get into that later.'

'We've decided to name this group, Lionne. This name symbolises the fierce and powerful side of you, but also the sweet and affable side. A team like this needs a leader, someone who will lead the team through its ups and downs. My personal assistant recommended Jennie. So I've decided to make you the leader Jennie if that's okay with you?'

Jennie nodded a couple of times. I liked her already.

'Okay great, so that's settled. I'm going to run through the contract, the requirements, the schedule and visuals guide.'

- Three Hours Later -

I was overflowing with so much information by the time we finished the meeting. We were escorted out of the building where a big black van was waiting outside.

The atmosphere inside the van was excruciatingly quiet. None of us said a word to each other. The others played on their phones while I looked outside to witness the beauty of South Korea.

Row opened the door for us as we arrived. We all walked into the building with our bags. Row showed us the elevator. We got lifted to the 13th floor. We followed Row down a corridor until he stopped at a door.

'Welcome to your new dorms, I will let you settle in while I go do some errands. I'll be back in 4 hours. Get to know each other because you will spend a lot of time together. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me.'

Row left without another word as we all stood outside the entrance. We waited for someone to go in first.

'Ladies first,' I said.

We all were astounded by the size of the dorm. There was a kitchen, spacious living room, a huge T.V and a beautiful view.

'Wow, this is amazing,' Jennie uttered.

I looked towards a hallway. There were seven doors leading to seven rooms. I moved closer towards the door to find a name tag on each door. Each room was already selected for us.

'Hey guys, look! Our rooms!' I yelled excitedly. Everyone looked at each door and went inside their room. I found my room and went inside. It was small yet cosy which included a queen sized bed, a big window, a small bathroom and a huge closet. It was like a dream, I was so happy.

I jumped on the bed and screamed into a pillow.

I laid on my back, looking up at the ceiling.

'Cheers to my new life.'


Welcome to Chapter 3!

The story is starting to unfold and I hope you're excited!

In the next chapter, Amber will meet someone...but who?

Stay tuned!


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