4. Bangtan Boys

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'Nothing, I was running down the stairs so I got hot,' I said while failing to calm down.

'Oh, okay. You look really flustered,' said Lisa.

I smiled nervously and tried to change the subject, 'so where are we going?'

'We're going back to the Big Hit building, we have to meet some people.'

'Oh hello, we haven't met before. I'm Amber, you are?'

'Name's Jihyo, I'm the lead vocalist. Nice to meet you.'

Before we could continue the conversation, we arrived at our destination. We got inside to find a manager waiting for us in the lobby. He escorted us to a dance room where we stood side by side.

'Welcome ladies to your dance room, this is where you will practise your dances. Although this isn't your personal practise room, you will share it with other groups. I actually planned you to meet a well-known group from this entertainment, you might have heard of them, BTS.'

I looked at Dahyun and Lisa who was smiling and giggling. They must be fans of BTS.

My thoughts were disrupted when a group of boys entered the room. I heard more squeals coming from the others. I looked at them but one caught my attention. My eyes widened and my mouth gaped open. 

It's him, the stranger.

The idiot who ran down the stairs and almost killed me. He looked as shocked as I did.

This can't be happening.

'You all will spend a lot of time together, why don't you introduce each other? Let's start from this end and work our way down.'

'Hello, my name is Jennie and I am the leader of Lionne.'

'Hi, my name is Jisoo. I am the vocalist and the groups visual.'

'Name's Jihyo, nice to meet you. I'm the lead vocalist.'

'Hey, Dahyun is my name and I'm a rapper.'

'Good afternoon, you can call me Rose.'

'Nice to meet you, my name is Lisa.'

'Hi, my name's Amber,' I said which trying to avoid looking at the stranger.

The boys introduced themselves as a really tall guy went first.

'Hello girls, my name is Namjoon. I'm the leader of BTS.'

'Hi girls, I'm Taehyung.'

'I'm Jin, the vocalist and the visuals of BTS. Nice to meet you all.'

'Hello! I'm your hope, I'm your angel, I'm your J-hope!'

This guy was a ray of sunshine.

'Hi, I'm Jimin, nice to meet you.'

'Min Suga, rapper.'

Then it was his turn, the idiot.

'I'm Jungkook,' he said quietly.

We stared at each other until the manager loudly spoke.

'Thanks, guys. Now that you know each other, how about you guys perform for the girls? Let's show them how we do it at Big Hit.'

The music starts playing and they began dancing.

My first thought was holy guacamole. They were so in sync with each other, it was unbelievable. I saw the girls practically drooling over their talent, even I was.

Jungkook and I caught each other's eyes. He stared at me while he kept dancing. Why does this idiot keep staring at me?

When they finished their routine, Lisa and Dahyun started cheering and clapping loudly. We soon all joined.

'Amazing! You're so talented!' They screamed as BTS smiled proudly.

'Okay, to get to know each other, why don't we have dinner tonight? It would be a good way to get to know each other,' the manager said.

Everyone nodded except me. I didn't like parties, there was always someone who got drunk. Worst of all, I'd had to see Jungkook. I don't want to see him, he doesn't even talk. He's just plain creepy.

Hopefully, tonight won't have any unexpected surprises.

I can only hope.


Hello, Readers!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

What will happen at the dinner?

Stay tuned and remember to stay sexy! ;)

- AlunaticD

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