21. Seven Continents

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The day of Lionne's debut...

'Today's the day we terminate one of the seven continents. It has to be done without any mistakes. I assign you to execute Europe, the most powerful continent. When they walk on stage, I want you to kill Europe.

Do you understand...Mingyu?'

'Yes sir, I will terminate Europe also known as Jennie Kim.'

2 days later..

'Target Europe has been abolished, she's dead.'

'You've outdone yourself, Mingyu.'

'Thank you, sir.'

'Next, Oceania, the rarest and beautiful. Have you made contact with the subject?'

'Yes, sir.'

'Excellent. She is your next target.'

'Yes, sir.'

'In case you need help, I will send my good friend to help you.'

A tall figure stepped out of the dark.

'Hello, Mingyu.'

Mingyu turned his head and smirked.

'Nice to see you again..Row.'

Mingyu and Row stood side by side as they stood upon their boss.

'Sir, we will terminate Oceania also known as Amber Armando.' 



Thanks for reading and stay sexy.

- AlunaticD

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