36. Stolen Kiss 2.0

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'Get in!' 

The men jostled me into the back of the truck. I shivered as it was cold and damp. I gazed at the men as they slammed the door, clasping the lock. I was trapped.

My tears were still slipping from my eyes, I couldn't believe Row betrayed us.

I flinched when I heard a loud gunshot. The men from outside started yelling and soon enough, I felt the truck moving.

There was no point attempting to escape so I sat down. The truck was dark so I couldn't see anything, I sat down but felt something soft under me. I immediately screamed at the top of my lungs and rapidly scurried away. My breaths were irregular as I tried to calm down. My ears twitched when I heard a deep groan. I looked around until my eyes stopped at a figure on the floor.

'Hello?' I whispered.

'Who's there?' A raspy voice called. I widened my eyes, I recognised that voice.

'Mingyu?' I said.

He lifted his head, penetrating me with his dark and intense eyes. I felt a sudden chill crept up my spine.

'Amber, why are you here?' Mingyu asked with a hint of anger.

I ignored him and asked, 'are you hurt? You sound like you're in pain.'

That triggered him.

Mingyu abruptly stood up and raced towards me, I stepped back in fear. The next thing I knew, I was slammed into the wall of the truck. I let out a small scream when his hands were on the either sides of my face.

'Answer me,' he said in a dangerously low voice.

My heart got caught in my throat, I turned speechless. What's wrong with him?

Mingyu grabbed my shoulders and yelled, 'why are you hell are you here?!'

I stuttered, 'Ro-oww tol-ld them t-that Eoa w-wanted to see m-me.'

Mingyu gritted his teeth and muttered, 'unbelievable.'

I tilted my head down and saw a huge bandage near his stomach area. I unknowingly touched it gently. Mingyu stared at my worried face.

'What happened?' I said quietly.

He gripped my hand and soothingly caressed it. I looked up to find myself become lost in his soft brown eyes. I watched as he slowly leant towards my face, his eyes wandered towards my lips. I subconsciously fluttered my eyes closed as I felt his warm breath on my cheek.

It was until he gripped my neck.

I stopped breathing as I looked at him with wide eyes. He wore an evil look in his eyes.

'You've given me so much pain, Amber,' he quietly said.

'Wouldn't it be better if you were dead?' He asked.

I gulped when I felt his grip on my neck tighten.

'My life has damaged me pretty hard, I've been hurt so many times. But, I never felt more hurt by you,' he continued.

I suddenly found myself breathing deeply, he hardened his grip. Mingyu stared at me with sad eyes.

'Should I kill you, Amber?' He whispered.

I took a deep breath and stuttered, 'm-might as w-well.'

Mingyu tightened his hold even harder, blocking the air from passing my throat. I was now wheezing as I turned pale.

I stared into Mingyu's eyes until my vision became blurry.

The moment I was going to black out, he released his grip.

I dropped to the floor in shock as I filled my lungs with air. I laid my head on the ground as I look up to see Mingyu towering over me. He crouched on his knees and moved his face closer.

Before I could react, Mingyu slammed his lips onto mine. He moved his lips passionately against mine.

And to my surprise, I kissed him back.

Mingyu brought his leg over my body as he straddled me. He cupped my cheeks and kissed me harder. I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him against my body. Mingyu started exploring my mouth with his tongue, my body began tingling. I snaked my arms around his neck and ruffled his hair.

Mingyu started kissing my neck and whispered, 'I love you.'

That was when I woke up.


'Hey, wake up!'

I groggily opened my eyes.

'Wake up!' A hand shook me as my surroundings started unravelling. I was in a confined room with dark lighting. I was chained to a chair.

'Amber.' I heard someone say.

I looked up to see Sana, wearing a smirk on her face. She brought her hand to my neck and stroked it.

'Wow. I never knew Mingyu was capable of something like this. He almost killed you, you know?' She said.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Was I dreaming?

'Are you stupid? When the truck arrived, they found you unconscious. Mingyu told them that Eoa wanted to see you so they took you in here. I'm kind of sad that Mingyu didn't strangle you completely.'

I remained silent. It wasn't a dream.

'I can't wait, to be honest,' Sana said with a smile.

I looked up and said hoarsely, 'for what?'

'Not telling. But, let's just say Jungkook is involved.'

I shuddered when I heard his name.


'Yeah, they caught him in the forest. He was looking for you,' Sana replied.

My eyes widened in fear. Jungkook must have realised I wasn't behind him anymore. He must have left Anthony and the others to look for me until he got caught.

It's all my fault.

I gritted my teeth and said, 'if anything happens to Jungkook, you'll regret it.'

Sana smirked and leant closer.

'I would be more worried for your safety.'

'Why?' I dared to ask.

'My dad has exciting plans for you, just wait.'

Sana turned and opened the door.

'Hell is waiting for you, Amber.

Ready to embrace you with darkness.'



Thanks for reading!

I'm currently editing my previous chapters because I just realised how bad my writing was in the beginning :D

Stay sexy, babes.

- AlunaticD

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