25. Three Sevens

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'Eoa likes puzzles.'

I gripped onto Jungkook as Row continued.

'Eoa sent Mingyu and I to solve a puzzle, this would tell us which Lionne member to kill first.'

'What was the puzzle?' I said.

'There were seven letters which spelt EOSANAA, each letter represented a member. After many tries, we couldn't solve it so we asked for a clue.

Eoa said it had something to do with the seven continents.

Then, it clicked.

Seven letters, seven members and seven continents.'

Row walked towards a chalkboard and picked up a chalk.

'The first letter in EOSANAA is E. Which continent starts with E? Europe. The most powerful and leading continent in the world. This represents Jennie, the leader of Lionne.

The second letter, O which is Oceania. This is you, Amber, the most beautiful and unique continent.'

I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

What a load of bullshit.

'The order continued with Lisa being South America, Jisoo was Asia, Jihyo being North America, Rose was Antarctica and Dahyun became Africa.

Eoa instructed us to kill Jennie on the day of your debut. Don't worry, we weren't planning to kill you. Mingyu accidently shot Jennie, we planned to use a fake gun to stage it for Eoa but the guns got swapped. I'm really sorry.'

I emotionlessly stared at Row as he dropped his head.

Mingyu started saying, 'so since Jennie was finished, the next person was you, Amber. We couldn't figure out a way to 'kill' you so we waited until Eoa found out.

Someone told him that we were protecting you so he took matters into his own hands. That's why we kidnapped you because there were bombs in the entertainment building.'

'Oh.' I said.

'What now?' Jungkook asked.

'Now, Eoa thinks you are dead which is perfect. We'll have to figure out how to gain his trust again,' Row said.

After a few moments of silence, Mingyu stood and said, 'let's go, it's safe.'

We all stood up and walked outside. I noticed something when we stood outside this alleyway.

'Look familiar?' Row asked.

'Have we been here before?' I asked.

'Remember that night at the restaurant when those men tried to hurt you?'

I nodded slowly.

'This was the same alley,' Row said while smiling.

Wow. Who'd knew I would come back here.

On the way back home, I caught the sight of the entertainment building.

My mouth gaped open.

The building was completely destroyed, there was nothing there. A few tears slid down my face as Jungkook squeezed my hand.

'It's okay,' he said. 


I waved goodbye to Jungkook and walked into my dorm. As I closed the door, the girls all screamed and sprinted into my arms as they embraced me.

'Oh my god. We thought you died, Amber!' 'We thought we lost you too!' 'Did the bomb hit you?' 'Are you okay?' 'Where were you?' 'Are you hurt anywhere?'

I chuckled and said, 'I'm fine, guys.'

What would my life be without them?


'No, I want to watch this!' Lisa yelled.

'That movie's boring!' Dahyun exclaimed.

'Let's watch this!' I said while changing the channel into SpongeBob.

'Hey, we're not babies!' Jisoo yelled.

'What? SpongeBob is life!' I yelled back.

Rose snatched the remote and changed the channel. 

Suddenly, the screen went blank.

'What happened?' Jihyo said.

We got started when a static noise emitted from the T.V.

We all froze in fear when the screen displayed some words.

It read...

' I   W I L L   K I L L   Y O U  ,  L I O N N E . '



Thanks for reading!

Stay sexy, babes.

- AlunaticD

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