40. Darkness 2.0

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Rewind: Amber's Birthday



I sank to the ground as Sana fled from my sight. I held my gun wound in pain and applied pressure to reduce the blood loss. My head swirled around the thoughts of Amber, I was glad my body acted as a shield for her. As my vision started to blur, I heard footsteps approaching me.


I wearily looked up to see a pair of radiant green eyes peering down at me.

'Anthony,' I croaked out.

'Let's go quickly, we have to treat that wound.' Anthony lifted my arm over his shoulders and he dragged me towards the elevator.

Silence filled the elevator as we stood side by side.

'Thank you,' Anthony broke the silence. I looked at him and asked why. Anthony slightly smiled and said, 'I saw what happened between you and Sana. If you hadn't stepped in front of the gun, Amber would have gotten shot. Thank you.'

I smiled and patted his shoulder, 'you're welcome, buddy.'

Fast forward: After Ruthy's Death


After we bandaged Mingyu's wound, we decided to follow Row's truck. His plan was to take everyone to his shack for safety.

Few hours passed, the peaceful road soon turned into a crowded shooting arena. I gripped the steering wheel in anger as Eoa's men started racing behind Row's truck. We couldn't do help them, we couldn't risk losing our trust with Eoa. My heart stopped when Row's truck fell down the trench, with everyone inside. I blew a sigh of relief when it landed into the water.

They were safe.

We knew Eoa's men would go after Amber and the others so we followed the men. They stopped in front of a forest. One by one, the men started entering the forest with guns loaded with poisonous darts. They're after Amber and the others.

'Mingyu, you stay here while I get the others. We have to get them to Row's shack. It's the only safe place for them,' I uttered. Mingyu nodded while I quietly opened the door.

'Get them back, A.' Mingyu said as I smiled in response.

For a couple of minutes, I meandered through the thick forest. My ears twitched when a loud gunshot echoed throughout the forest. Instantly, I knew it was Row's gun. I quickly followed the sound until I came upon an opening. A huge weight was released from my shoulders when I saw Amber, who eyed me with shock as she gripped onto Jungkook's arm.


'I can get you guys out. Just follow me,' I needed to take them to Mingyu's truck before Eoa's men located where we were.

I anxiously stood, waiting for Amber's reply. She looked confused and worried, like she couldn't trust me. I pleaded with my eyes.

Please trust your brother, Amber.

My insides churned with happiness when she nodded. I signalled everyone to follow me.

We were on our way.

That was until we lost some members.


I patiently waited inside my van. What's taking Anthony so long? I decided to look for myself. I drove into a wide carpark, I was shocked to see Jungkook being pushed into a truck. I guess he got caught. Even though I hated his guts, I decided to help Jungkook.

'Hey!' I yelled as I marched towards them. The men turned around with Jungkook in their hands. Jungkook's eyes widened when he saw me.

'Who are you? Wait, aren't you the one who betrayed Eoa?' The men asked. I kept quiet and didn't move.

I didn't think this through. I have an injury, I can't fight them.

'Why don't you also come with us?' The men moved towards me and grabbed my arm. I fought back with all my strength but instantly regretted it when they kicked my wound. I screamed when my stitched wound reopened, allowing blood to seep through the bandage. I bent forward in pain as they continued pushing me into a truck.

No, I can't go back to Eoa.

'Mingy-!' Jungkook called but I couldn't hear him after they slammed the truck door.

I shouldn't have left the yellow van.

Fast forward: After Eoa's Death


'Fuck you!' My scream echoed throughout the hall. Everyone looked at me with wide eyes. My whole body was shaking, I was infuriated. My poor father was dead, all because of them.

All because of Amber.

'You will pay for this!' I shrieked as I aimed my gun towards Amber, the girl who started this whole mess. If she didn't exist, I would be a Lionne member. If she didn't exist, Jihyo would be dating Jungkook. If she didn't exist, Mingyu would be mine. Just one bullet, she would be dead.

I pulled the trigger, the bullet darted through the air and towards Amber. My heart lifted when the bullet plunged deep into Amber's body.

I did it.

Amber's lifeless body slumped to the ground. There was a beat of silence, everyone froze and stared at the pool of blood surrounding Amber. I took this chance and sprinted towards the door, dodging the bullets fired by the BTS members.

I flung the door open and ran down the hall. My eyes darted to the green sign. That's the exit.

Gripping the door handle and pulling the door back, I heaved the cool air as I stepped outside.


My breath got caught in my throat when I saw Mingyu. We stared into each other's eyes. I looked at him with pleading eyes. Please don't shoot me, Mingyu.

Mingyu sighed and signalled towards his yellow van.

'Go Sana...

...and never come back.'



Sorry if it's confusing. If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know!

How do feel about Mingyu letting Sana go?

Stay sexy :*

- AlunaticD

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