27. I Hate Amber

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'My name is Sana.'

For some reason, that name was familiar.

'So, you going to let me in?' Sana asked.

'Um, sure,' I reluctantly replied.

Sana walked inside and introduced herself to the Lionne members.

'Nice to meet you, Sama,' Lisa said.

'It's Sana.' She snapped.


'So, you're the newest member?' Jihyo questioned.

'Yup, I'm so excited. We're going to be best friends!' Sana exclaimed.

'Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Our manager never told us about this.'

'Well, obviously. Half of them are dead,' Sana quietly uttered. I stood behind her so I heard her clearly.

'What?' I said.

Sana whipped around and nervously laughed.

'Nothing! I saw your building burning to ashes on the news. Anyway, since I'm new, would anyone care to give me a tour?'

After a few moments of silence, Jihyo stood up. 'Let's go, Sama.'

'Sana.' She corrected.


I gave the new member a tour around the dorm. Sana seemed like a quirky and fun person. We shared common interests and goals. I found myself enjoying her company.

We walked into the lobby when Jungkook stood near the vending machines. My feelings for Jungkook was strong as I could feel my cheeks burn.

'Do you like him?' Sana whispered in my ear.

I shyly nodded. 'Yeah, I don't know if I should confess yet. What if he doesn't feel the same way?'

'You're never going to find out until then. Who knows? He might like you too.' She said as I got pushed towards Jungkook.

'Okay, here I go.' I said.

'That's the spirit,' Sana smiled as she hid behind a bush.

I faced Jungkook and took a deep breath. I started walking towards him.

Here goes...

'Hey, Jungkook,' I said.

He looked up and smiled, 'hi Jihyo, how's it going?'

'I'm good, thanks. Um... well Jungkook, I have something to tell you.' I nervously said.

His eyebrows rose, 'hmm?'

'Well, I..I...um....well...you see...I...' I stuttered.

Jungkook waited patiently.

'Jungkook...I....I love you.' I squeaked out. I could feel my heart nearly exploding.

Jungkook stayed quiet as I stared into his eyes. After a few moments, he held both my hands and looked into my eyes.

'Jihyo, you're one of my good friends. You were my first friend after I debuted with BTS. I was happy because you are supportive and very kind.'

My heart started somersaulting as a smile crept on my face.


I immediately frowned, I knew where this was going.

'I only see the friendship between us growing into nothing more. I don't feel the same, Jihyo. The relationship we have will always remain friendly, I'm sorry.'

In that instant, my whole world crashed. I felt my eyes burn with tears as my heart started withering like a rose. I looked down in shame when Jungkook slowly released my hands.

'I'm sorry, Jihyo.' He softly said.

I felt a lump in my throat, I was so close to bursting into tears. No, I can't seem weak to Jungkook. I had to remain strong. 

I looked up and smiled, 'no, it's okay. I understand.'

Before I turned around, I asked.

'Do you love someone else?'

Jungkook slightly smiled and nodded.

'Amber?' I said.

Jungkook seemed surprised but eventually nodded.

I smiled and said, 'you should tell her, I'm sure she'll feel the same way.'

Jungkook smiled and squeezed my shoulder, 'thanks, Jihyo. You're a good friend.'

I nodded and walked away.

With each step, I felt my withering heart suddenly burn with angry. I clenched my fists and walked outside to meet Sana. She had a sore look on her face, 'I'm sorry, Jihyo.'

I shook my head and started taking deep breaths.

'Are you okay?' Sana questioned.

'I'm angry, Sana.'

'At Jungkook?'

'No. I'm angry at Amber.'


'It was her, Sana.

She stole Jungkook away from me.

Even when she knew that I liked Jungkook, she went and flirted with him. She should have stayed away from him!

I hate Amber,' I mumbled.

Sana looked at me with an amused face.

She leant towards my face and said, 'I hate her, too.'


'I hate Amber so much it hurts. You know why? Last year, I was supposed to be a Lionne member but they replaced me with someone from Italy who had amazing visuals. They didn't think twice about replacing me with her. She stole my spot in the group. 

I hate Amber.' Each word Sana spoke was engulfed with venom.

I listened intensively as Sana chuckled and crossed her arms.

'You know what I realised? Amber is a thief. She stole your man and she stole my dream.'

She was right.

Amber is a thief.

'Wouldn't life be better if she just disappeared? You would have Jungkook and I would be a Lionne member.'

I nodded. She was right, again.

'How about we work together to bring Amber down?'

My eyebrows furrowed. 'What?'

'Let's make her regret for everything she's done, you in?'

I smiled.

'I'm in.'

You're going to regret stealing from me, Amber.



Thank you for reading! Please give me feedback so I can improve the story for you guys :)

Stay sexy.

- AlunaticD

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