33. Road Accident

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'Are we there yet?'


'Where're we going?'

'My old shack. No one can find us there.'

The winter of South Korea summoned the chilling snow and strong winds. We were driving on a narrow road beside a treacherous cliff.

I looked behind me to see the girls and BTS sleeping.

I smiled.

We were all scared but we had each other.

I looked to my left to see Jungkook snoozing on my shoulder. The poor guy hasn't had a good sleep in a long time. I leant my head on him as I closed my eyes.

'Oh shit.' Row muttered.

My eyes snapped open as I asked, 'what?'

There was a pause.

Suddenly, the glass smashed.

Someone's shooting at us.

Jungkook abruptly woke up in shock and instantly locked hands with me.

Gunshots were heard as several bullets hit the van. 

'Keep your heads down everyone!' Jimin yelled.

Everyone tucked their heads down to their knees. Row sped up around a curve but the van ended up tipping to the side.

We were going to topple.

My heart dropped as Jungkook went pale. Everyone started screaming as we fell off the cliff.

We were going to die.

'Everyone, hold on!'

My eyes welled up.

This can't be the end.

Jungkook hugged me tightly as I squeezed my eyes shut.

Instantaneously, my life flashed before my eyes. I saw Anthony and I eating gelato in Italy. I saw when Ruthy and I first landed in South Korea. I saw when I first met Jungkook. I saw the sleepover with Jennie.

This can't be the end.

I held my breath when I saw the bottom of the trench coming closer.

This was the end.

The van crashed onto the bottom of the trench. My eyes clenched shut as I suddenly felt a cold sensation run across my body.

A cold and wet sensation.


We fell into a lake.

'Swim!' Row screamed.

Jimin gathered his strength and slid open the van door, thus allowing gallons of water to flow inside. I took a deep breath as the van rapidly filled with water.

One by one, we swam out of the van and up to the surface. I hurriedly tried to swim up but my injured leg prevented me. I looked around to see BTS members helping Lionne members.

Where's Jungkook?

My vision started to blur due to lack of oxygen but soon felt an arm wrap around my waist. I got dragged me to the surface of the water. I filled my lungs with oxygen and swivelled around to see Jungkook.

He saved me.

Heads started popping out of the water. Dahyun, Rose, Jisoo, Lisa, Jihyo, Jimin, Jin, J-Hope, Suga, Namjoon and Taehyung.

I blew a sigh of relief. Everyone's okay.

Row and Ruthy appeared with short of breaths.

Once we all stepped on land, we were all breathless.

I closed my eyes and smiled.

We made it.


We all looked at Ruthy who had a weary look on her face.

'Oh my god.' Dahyun stated.

'What?' J-Hope said.

Dahyun slowly pointed at Ruthy's arm.

My eyes widened as my mouth gaped open.

A small dart was pinned deeply into Ruthy's arm.

A poisonous dart.



Hello! I've decided to update every friday afternoon so stay tuned :)

- AlunaticD

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