5. The Dinner

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'What're you going to wear?' Jennie asked.

'I think I'll wear this one, it's pretty cute,' Lisa said.

Everyone was getting ready for the dinner tonight with BTS. I was excited but nervous. I've never been to a dinner party before, I'm very anti-social.

Once we were all dressed, we all hopped into the car. I was surprised to see Row sitting next to me. 

'Row, why aren't you driving?' I asked him.

'I bought other bodyguards with me since I can't keep an eye on all of you alone. The other two are in front.' He replied without looking at me.

'Oh, okay. I wanted to ask, could I call you Rowdy?'

'No,' he said.

'Because I used to have a friend called Rowdy a couple of years ago before she passed away. Anyway, she reminded me of you because she is rude and ignorant.'

'Who said you can call me that? I have a job Amber and that's to protect the seven of you,' he said.

'Please, it makes me think of my friend like she's here with me. Haven't you lost someone who you cared for? I've had that happen to me too many times where people have left me. You know what? Never mind, forget I asked you,' I said, being a bit upset.

When we arrived, I followed the others into a fancy building. The atmosphere inside was loud and vibrant. I smiled as it reminded me of my home back in Italy. The times when we would spend singing Italian songs or when I would come home welcomed by the smell of my mother's cooking.

That was until....

My eyes started getting teary as I quickly swept them.

It's in the past, Amber.

We reached our own private room as I witness how the table was decorated with fancy silverware and flowers. My mood immediately brightened. I hoped they served pizza. As we each sat down, the manager walked inside with BTS following him.

I looked at their casual clothes which looked at like a million dollars. J-hope and Jimin smiled and waved at me as I smiled back, they seemed friendly. I turned my head and saw Jungkook as he kept his eyes on me. Except, he looked different like he was angry but I dismissed the thought.

A couple of hours went by as we chatted. I tried joining into the conversation but Jihyo and Dahyun didn't stop talking. I glanced at Jungkook a few times and he looked happy talking to Jihyo. I was glad he stopped gawking at me. I quietly finished my pizza until Taehyung nudged me. We started talking and I realised that he's a fun guy with a crazy personality, I couldn't stop laughing.

I abruptly stopped talking when I heard Jihyo saying, 'oh my god, did you hear what happened to the North Korean war?'

'Yes! That explosion, right?'

I felt my eyes go teary but I couldn't calm down.

'There was a huge explosion killing so many soldiers, such a waste of innocent people.'

I couldn't hold it in anymore as tears started flowing rapidly down my face. 

'Amber?' Taehyung said.

I quickly stood up and raced out of the room. I heard them calling my name but I kept walking. I needed to get out before I burst into tears. 

As I walked, Row stood outside while looking shocked to see me. I walked past him and trudged outside. The chilling winds rush through me as I walked down the street. I heard Row running after me so I broke into a sprint. I heard his calls become quieter as I sped up.

I quickly turned into a dark alleyway. I watched as Row sprinted past as he continued racing down the street. I blew a sigh of relief, I'm finally alone.

For a few minutes, I crouched on the ground trying calm down. Just when I was about to leave, something moved behind me.

I spun around to see several men walking out from behind the trash bins. I quickly turned to run when another guy came up from behind. I gulped as they slowly started to surround me.

I couldn't escape.

'Hello poppy, fancy a walk?'


Welcome to Chapter 5!

What will happen to Amber?

Find out soon!


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