32. Poisonous Darts

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We heard a loud gun shot from a distance. Jungkook instantly grabbed my hand and we sprinted out of the roof. My heart beating out of my chest.

What was happening now?

Jungkook and I sprinted until we were inside my dorm. Everyone jolted in surprise and eyed us.

Jungkook felt the tension and whispered, 'Amber, what's going on? Is it Eoa?'

Before I could reply, Row abruptly walked in.

'Is everyone okay?' He asked panickily.

Everyone vaguely nodded.

I wondered whether I should tell him about the gunshots on the roof.

'Where's Mingyu?'

I furrowed my eyebrows, 'Mingyu?'

'Yeah, he was going to check on you.' Row said.

Jungkook said, 'I think I saw him walking near the elevators but I didn't see him after that.'

I felt a vibration from my pocket.

Someone's calling me.

I checked the caller I.D.

Speaking of the devil, it was Mingyu.

I quickly dismissed myself and walked into the other room. I answered and held the phone close to my ears.


'Hello? Mingyu?'

'Amber, are you safe?

His voice was deep and croaky. I felt something wrong.

'Are you okay Mingyu?'

'I'm still breathing.'

'What happened? You sound like you're in pain.'

'I am, Amber. I am physically and mentally hurt.'

'What, by who?'



My breath started getting heavy.

What was going on? What did I do to Mingyu?

I decided to quickly tell Row so I walked into the living room. Everyone remained in the same position.

'Row.' I said.

Row turned to me and said, 'Amber, I told everyone about Eoa and his gang.'

I nodded. Jungkook already knew but it was better if the girls knew, too.

'But there's more.' He said.

I sat down next to Jisoo and listened intensively.

Mingyu can wait.

'Eoa has been up to more dirty work. Sana told him about how we're protecting you so now our trust between him is gone. We've been trying to show our loyalty by never leaving his office, which actually worked. That's why we were gone for a few weeks.'

I nodded.

'Last week, Mingyu found some blueprints. It was Eoa's plan.

We found out that Eoa has been creating a poison. This poison can turn humans into killing machines. The infected human will kill everyone and everything in its path.

He will use this weapon to kill you.'

I gulped.

'We also found out that Eoa compacted the poison into small darts. So, if anyone got hit by the darts, they will lose control of their bodies and will kill everyone.

 My plan is for everyone to leave. If Eoa finds us, we all get killed. I have a van ready outside so let's go.'

'How about Sana?' Lisa asked.

'She's on her way now to Eoa so we have to hurry. Grab some food and water, it's going to be a long journey.'

We all packed and got ready by the door. I stopped when I noticed Jihyo sitting silently on the couch.

I walked beside her and asked, 'Jihyo? Aren't you coming?'

She shook her head and said, 'no, I betrayed you. I don't deserve to live.'

'Jihyo, I'm prepared to forgive you but only if you promise me something.' I said.

She looked up.

'Stay with me,' I said.

Jihyo's eyes widened.

'Ever since Jennie left, I felt incomplete. I don't want to lose anyone else. So please, stay with us.' I uttered.

Jihyo wrapped her arms around me as I felt her tears dampening my neck.



We all lugged our bags into the van. Jungkook brought his BTS members to come for their safety. We all sat side by side in the van. As I got in, I saw someone standing outside the van.

My eyes widened, it's her.


Ruthy turned and smiled, 'Amber, long time no see.'

I grinned and ran to her embrace, it's been so long.

'What happened to your arm?' I asked.

'The bombs in the entertainment building wounded me. I was the only survivor, all the other managers didn't make it,' She sadly said.

Rose's manager, Jisoo's manager, Jihyo's manager, Lisa's manager, Dahyun's manager and even Jennie's manager.


My eyes welled up as I said, 'I'm glad you're okay, we'll keep you safe, okay?'

Ruthy nodded and smiled, 'I'm sure my husband will do a good job.'

'Husband?' I asked.

'Amber! Get in!' Row shouted. I turned around to see Row eyeing Ruthy. He gave her warm smile.

My mouth gaped open. Row and Ruthy are together? What!

I sat inside the van with Jungkook and Jimin beside me. Ruthy and Row sat in the driver's seat.

'Let's get going, everyone.'

I blew a sigh of relief.

We were finally safe from Eoa.




Happy Valentines Day! I love you all!

- Alunatic

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