11. Amber Gone AWOL

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Amber was gone.

30 Minutes Ago...


I slowly and reluctantly open my eyes. I sat up and dragged my feet off the bed. Using my knuckles, I rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms above my head. I watched as my legs dangled above the iron man carpet.


I don't have an iron man carpet.

I blinked my eyes continuously as I came to a realisation.

This wasn't my room.

Where am I? Did I get kidnapped? Am I going to die? 

Oh, no.

What happened to the pizza?!

I sighed in frustration as I think about the poor pizza. Maybe it's not too late.

I bounced out of bed and opened the door which was surprisingly not locked. I looked out and walked down to a kitchen. It looked like my dorm except messier.

I saw people sleeping in the living room as they held game controllers in their hands.

I shrugged and opened the front door and walked down the hallway and towards the stairs.

As I was about to walk down, I heard some people coming up. I widened my eyes as it sounded like Jungkook and Jihyo. 

I suddenly felt depressed but panicked because I didn't want them to see me. I quickly turned around to the elevator. As the door was closing, I saw the couple walking down the hall. 

My eyes started tearing up.

Why am I like this?

I released the thought when the elevator door opened to the lobby. I strolled outside and waved to a taxi. I hopped in and gave the directions as he started driving.

I have a mission to accomplish.


Where did she go? 

I started looking around the room, under the bed, in my closet. Where did she disappear to?

'Jungkook, is this a joke? It's not funny,' Jihyo said while crossing her arms.

'I'm serious, Jihyo. I carried Amber in here. I laid her right here,' I said.

'Then where did Amber go? Okay, I'll call her,' Jihyo said while pulling out her phone.

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

"Spongebob Squarepants"

Absorbent and yellow and porous is he!

"Spongebob Squarepants"

'Amber's phone,' I said with a smile.

'I figured. Well, what do we do now?' Jihyo asked.

'I don't know but I'm getting worried.' I said.

'Don't worry, we'll find her. Let's first ask your friends, they might've seen her.' Jihyo said while leaving the room.

I walked with Jihyo into the living room to see them sprawled out on the couches.

'Wow, this is BTS?' Jihyo said.

I rolled my eyes and yelled, 'hey! Wake up!'

They started waking up one by one.

'What do you want? Jihyo?' Taehyung said.

'I need to ask you something,' I said. They looked at me while looking half asleep.

'Did you guys see Amber? She was in my room but when we came back, she was gone.' I said.

'Amber? That pretty half-Korean? Lucky, I want her in my room,' Taehyung whined.

'You guys dating already?' J-Hope said.

'I hope you used protection,' Namjoon says.

'Guys, stop! This is serious! Can you help us or not?' I said with a slight blush on my cheeks.

'Fine, let's go find Jungkook's girlfriend.'

'She's not my girlfriend!' I said as I led everyone to the front door.

- Lionne's Dorm Room -

As Jihyo led us into her dorm, I looked around and was shocked.

It looked just like our dorm except cleaner.

I saw the girls sitting on the couches as they watched a movie.

'Hey girls, I have BTS with me.' Jihyo said.

They all looked up and their eyes widened.

'Jihyo, I'm not properly dressed. You should've given us a heads up!' Lisa whispered to Jihyo.

'Look, we're looking for Amber. She's missing.'

'What! I saw her when she left to get the pizza,' Jisoo said.

'Oh yeah, poor pizza,' Dahyun said.

'Forget about the pizza, let's all split up and look around the building. We report back here in an hour.'


'We couldn't find her, we looked everywhere,' Rose said while Jimin, Jin and Lisa sat on the couch.

'Same, we even looked through each toilet stall in each bathroom.' J-Hope said with Jennie, Jisoo, Namjoon and Taehyung.

Jungkook, Jihyo, Dahyun and Suga entered while shaking their heads.

'No luck, I already called Row,' Jihyo said.

'What do we do now?' Jennie asked.

'We just wait, I guess.'

Everyone comfortably sat on the couches with a word. No one said a word, everyone was too worried for Amber.

Suddenly, we heard the door open.

'I'm back! I got the pizza!' Amber said gleefully.

Amber stood in front of us with a big grin. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.



Thank you for reading! I was laughing while writing this chapter, Amber's love for pizza is no joke.

If you guys enjoyed reading this chapter, please leave comments and vote!

Thank you!

- AlunaticD

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