20. Rowing in Mysteries

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I woke up the next day with a fresh mind.

Everyone was still confused about the elevator incident.

Why would Row tell everyone that Jungkook and I were on a date when he clearly knew where we were?

I got ready and met the girls in the kitchen for breakfast. Rose made waffles which tasted sublime.

After we finished eating, Dahyun and Rose headed to the park while we went to the entertainment building.

While we were driving, I noticed something different.

Where's Row?


'If you're not gonna do it, I'll just tell Mingyu to do it. He'll kill her in one go.'

'No, she's my responsibility. I'll take care of her,' I quickly said.

'You better.'

'Tell the boss that Oceania will be abolished by tonight,' I said while shaking his hand.

'Yes, sir.'

My eyes widened when I saw Dahyun and Rose as they walked down the street.

I couldn't let them see me. I quickly slid the van door and jumped inside.

'You know..'

I turned my body to see Mingyu sitting comfortably.

'I've gotten close to Amber. She's very beautiful, I couldn't take my eyes off her,' Mingyu said.

I remained quiet.

'If you want, I can take care of her,' He said with a gleam of hope in his eyes.

'Fine, you do it,' I said.

'I'll do it tonight,' Mingyu winked.

I nodded. This was the plan.

I motioned my head towards the driver. Mingyu got the gist and nodded.

Mingyu stepped out of the van and sat in the passenger seat. He faced the driver and pointed a gun towards him.

'Driver, hands up.'

The driver turned his head and jolted in shock.

'What're you doing?! We're on the same team, you idiot!'

'That's what you think,' Mingyu smiled as he pulled the trigger.

A loud bang echoed through the van. Mingyu looked at me in the back seat and chuckled.

'Never gets old.'

He grabbed the dead body and pushed him to the back of the van. I took it and placed him in my seat as I squeezed to the driver's seat. I turned the engine on and looked at Mingyu.

'Let's go get our Oceania, shall we?'



Wow, this is my 20th chapter! Thank you for reading! 

If you're confused, don't worry you won't be soon ;)

See you in the next chapter, babes!

- AlunaticD

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