28. Sabotage

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- Row's POV -

'Mingyu, come on! Eoa's waiting!' I yelled.

'I'm coming! Just calm down.'

'Okay, just let me do the talking. Eoa's already suspicious of us.'

We walked into Eoa's office.

'Hello, gentlemen. What have you been up to?'

'Sir, we abolished Oceania. Now we are targeting South Africa, she will dead by next week,' I said.

'You think I'm stupid?' Eoa said.

'Sorry?' I questioned.

Shit, he found out.

'I know what you two have been doing. Oceania isn't dead, right?' Eoa said.

I kept quiet.

How the fuck did he find out?

'Oceania is dead, sir. She died in the explosion,' I replied.

'Oh, really? Then why Sana tell me she saw Amber in their dorms?'

I furrowed my eyebrows and retorted, 'what are you talking about?'

'I sent my daughter to kill the continents because you two betrayed me,' Eoa said.

My eyes widened and I turned to Mingyu who wore a shocked expression.


My thoughts drifted to Amber.

Amber, be careful.


The sunlight seeped through the blinds, making my eyes squint. I pulled the covers off and stood up.

Until I slipped.

I groaned as I rubbed my arm. I looked to see oil poured everywhere in my room. Why is there oil in here?

Is this a prank?

As I slowly get up, I make my way towards the bathroom. I decided to have a shower to rinse the oil. I took my shampoo and started cleaning the oil away. Then I grabbed my razor and started shaving.

Only to feel a burning sensation.

I looked down to see the skin on my leg completely scrapped off. I looked at my razor and noticed the blades were switched to sharper blades, the kind used for bread. My leg started bleeding immensely. I quickly washed the blood and grabbed some bandage to cover the wound.

Who the hell did this?

When I finished, I dried my hair with a towel. When I looked in the mirror, my eyes widened and I screamed.

My hair was purple.

Oh my god, my hair is fricking purple!

I hopped on one leg to the shower and grabbed my shampoo bottle. I looked inside to see purple dye.

Who put purple dye in my shampoo?!

First, my arm hurts from the fall. Second, the razor sliced my skin. Third, my hair turned purple.

Today was going to be a great day.

As I wobbled out of the bathroom, I carefully passed the oil spill and out the door. I limped into the living room. There was no one here. I turned and headed to the kitchen only to find a note.


Amber, we all went to the entertainment building. Could you please buy some pizza for us? 

See you then.

- Sana and Jihyo


I sighed in frustration.

Did they seriously leave me?

Today couldn't get any worse. I grabbed my jacket and walked out. I didn't care if my arm was sore. I didn't care if my hair was wet and purple. I didn't care if my leg was bleeding out. I didn't care if everyone left me. 

I promised myself I would be happy today. Even if someone is trying to sabotage it, I will not let myself to be unhappy...

It's my birthday.



Poor Amber, hopefully her birthday turns out okay :(

Thank you for reading! Love you xx

- AlunaticD

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