39. Amber's AWOL 2.0

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Rewind: After Ruthy's Death



I turned around to see Jihyo with a panicked expression.


'Amber, Row and Jungkook are gone!' She yelled.

I widened my eyes in shock. I knew I couldn't trust Row, even though we both worked for Eoa.

'Let's go, I think I know where they went,' I said.

Row must have taken Amber and Jungkook to the carpark. I need to save Amber. We walked near a ledge where we could witness the entire carpark. It wasn't long until we saw Jungkook being shoved into a truck.

'Jungkook! Where are they taking him?' Jimin asked in a hushed tone.

'He's going to Eoa, they must have caught Jungkook in the forest. He's lucky, they could have killed him,' I quietly uttered.

'Lucky? They're probably going to torture him!' Jihyo retorted.

'Don't worry, we'll get him out. We just have to find Amber.'

I heard shouts and turned my head to see Amber walking across the carpark with Row. She was yelling our names.

Shut up, Amber. They're going to hear you.

'What should we do?' Lisa asked.

'Nothing, Row knows what he's doing,' I said.

Soon, the carpark was filled with men. I watched as several men dragged Amber to another truck while Row stood behind her. I closed my eyes when a gun was pointed towards Row's head.


I sadly sighed as Row's body slumped to the floor. He sacrificed himself for Amber.

Thank you for saving my sister, Row.

Now, it's my turn.

Eoa's Building


I abruptly woke up from a bad dream. Droplets of sweat cascaded down my forehead and my breathing was irregular. I couldn't calm down when I viewed my surroundings. I was living in a nightmare. I looked around in my small and confined room.

I couldn't stop thinking about Amber. I just hope she's safe.

A small note slid under the door. I walked towards it and picked it up.

It read...


We're here to save you and Amber. We're behind the building. Soon, you'll be taken into a hall where you will meet Amber. They're going to shoot you with a dart but don't worry, I replaced the darts with fake ones, the controlling effects will only last for five minutes. When you wake up, aim the gun towards Eoa and shoot him, we'll take that as a signal.

No pressure.

- Mingyu

My breathing came out in short breaths. I felt my hands turn clammy as I re-read the note. It was up to me to kill Eoa and save Amber. I needed to follow the plan.

Focus, Jungkook.

I quickly shoved the note into my pocket when I heard the door knob rattling. Two men walked in and grabbed me as they pulled me out. Just like Mingyu said, they escorted me into a hall.

Amber stood in the centre with a scared expression. I felt the grip on the guard loosen and I sprinted towards Amber. She smiled as she tightly hugged me.

'Amber, you're okay,' I whispered.

'I missed you so much,' She said into my chest.


I froze when I felt a sharp pain on my neck. From Amber's mortified expression, I knew I've been shot.

The plan was working perfectly.

I instantly felt the effects of the poison. I felt my body heat up as my vision darkened.

Then I blacked out.

I was sent into a dreamland where several frames of Amber appeared. She wore a beautiful golden dress with glass slippers. Her face radiated as she gleefully smiled.

'Jungkook.' She sang out.

'Jungkook.' She said again but with a pained expression.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

'Jungkook!' She screamed with tears cascading down her cheeks.

That was when I woke up.

I was straddling a broken Amber and I aimed a gun towards her head. She looked scared, scared of me. I quickly pushed the thought and knew what to do. I redirected the gun towards Eoa. He wore a confused expression as I tugged the trigger of the gun.

I had one bullet.


I watched as Eoa's lifeless body fell to the ground.

From then, I knew I did it.



Thank you for reading! Really hoped you enjoyed it :)

- AlunaticD

lionne ; btsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora