31. Darkness

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A tremendous amount of guilt seeped through me.

What have I done?

Amber looked like a complete wreck. She had dark circles under her eyes, her hair was purple, her trousers was drenched in blood. 

We went too far.

We all sat in the living room, waiting for Amber's return. Everyone awkwardly sat in silence. 

'Hey Jihyo, I have a question,' Dahyun spoke.

I raised my eyebrows and hummed.

'What were you doing in Amber's room last night?'

My eyes widened.


I turned to Sana who had a calm expression. I looked at everyone as they wore a suspicious look.

'We were giving her a surprise, it's her birthday after all,' Sana uttered.

'Oh, then why did I find purple hair dye in your room?' Dahyun said.

'And why the cooking oil completely empty?' Rose said.

I gulped as I desperately turned to Sana.

'How could you Jihyo?' Lisa asked with disgust.

I looked down in shame until Sana abruptly stood up. She reached into her pocket and pulled out an unexpected item.

My heart skipped a beat when Sana held a gun at Jisoo's head.

Everyone froze.

'It's true we sabotaged Amber. She messed with us so we got revenge.'

This was going too far. I thought we were supposed to mess with Amber, not endanger anyone's lives.

From then, I knew Sana and I had very different intentions.

'Sana, stop this. You're being silly,' I said while standing up.

'Shut up, Jihyo! Or I'll shoot you, too.'

I sat back down.

'If anyone tells Amber, I'll shoot you all,' Sana threatened.

Sana took the gun off Jisoo's head and walked towards the door.

'I'll be back. Jihyo, stay here and make sure these bitches don't try anything smart.'

With that, she slammed the door leaving us in silence.

Why did I agree to this?


I marched up the stairs to the roof. I needed some time to think as my plans to kill Amber wasn't working, I needed to come up with better ideas.

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