3. The Encounter

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After I finished unpacking my clothes, I went to explore the building. I walked out of my room and headed towards the exit. Before I left, I saw a couple of girls sitting on the couch. I waved my hand and smiled.

'Hi, my name is Amber. I'm a vocalist and I'm from Italy,' I said.

'Wow, Italy? That's amazing. My name is Lisa and I'm originally from Thailand.'

'Thailand? Wow. Nice to meet you! What's your name?'

'My name is Dahyun. I'm a rapper and I'm from Korea, not as cool as Thailand and Italy.'

'You're still amazing. I love your dyed hair, so colourful,' said Lisa.

'Thanks. How about you?' Dahyun asked.

'I'm Rose and I'm from Australia.'

'Wow. Okay, everyone has nice backgrounds while there's me who hasn't left Korea,' Dahyun said.

'Oh, come on. We'll travel around the world once we debut,' Rose said.

'Anyway, nice to meet you guys. I'm going to go explore the building,' I said.

'Cool, make sure you come back on time. Otherwise, we will leave you behind,' stated Dahyun.

'Okay, I'll keep watch on the time,' I said while walking towards the door. 

I walked around the building but found nothing interesting. I kept my eye on the time to make sure I wasn't late. I took the stairs instead of the elevators.

I walked up the stairs when suddenly, I heard someone running down. He didn't see me and I couldn't dodge in time.

We crashed into each other, causing me to loose my balance. Before I fell to my death, a strong arm pulled me onto a hard chest.

For a few moments, I stayed in the stranger's arms until I slowly looked up.

When our eyes met, it seemed like time stopped. His face was beautifully crafted with his captivating eyes to his soft and pink lips. We remained in each other's arms until I cleared my throat.

'Watch where you're going, you idiot,' I said straightforwardly.

He didn't respond, he kept staring at me. I waited for his respond until my phone started ringing. My face turned red because my ringtone was the SpongeBob Squarepants theme song. I quickly answered to avoid any more embarrassment.



'Amber, where are you? We are all waiting at the lobby. If you don't come in 5 minutes, we are forced to leave you behind.'

I could tell it was Row. I quickly replied, 'Sorry, I'll be down in a minute.'


After I hung up, I looked at the stranger to find him still gawking at me. I couldn't waste any more time with this creep so I turned around and ran downstairs. I was so shocked to have met that beautiful stranger that I lost track of time. 

Once I reached the bottom floor, I was exhausted. I could see the girls with Row waiting for me by the entrance. I quickly made my way, apologising to everyone. Row looked at me with disapproval and escorted us to our van. I sat down with relief. Today was going to be a long day.

'Amber,' Lisa suddenly asked.


'Why are you blushing?'


Welcome to Chapter 3!

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next chapter!

Who is the stranger?

Stay sexy ;)

- AlunaticD

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