42. Sleepover 2.0

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The time I last saw you, I wanted to take you by the hand and lead you towards the stage. I wanted to sing together, dance together, perform in front of millions of people together. You are my friend, a kind spirit and my inspiration.

'Hello, Lionne.'

Your voice flowed through me, your words, the way your eyes met mine and didn't turn away. I almost drowned in your smile. I couldn't believe it.


One by one, we wrapped our arms around her body. We all hugged her like there was no tomorrow. I heard a hearty chuckled from Jennie.

'I'm so glad to see you again, Jennie,' Jisoo cried. 'I missed you! Don't leave again!' Dahyun exclaimed. Jennie laughed and said, 'of course, I won't. I'm here to stay. We stick together, remember?'

- DORM -

'When did you wake up?' Jisoo asked as she handed me the popcorn. Everyone sat in a circle wearing their onesies, I smiled as this reminded me of the first sleepover over two months ago.

'Well, the doctors said I started moving my fingers two weeks ago. I woke up last week but had to stay in the hospital to fully recover. The moment I got discharged, my parents drove me here. I really missed you so I had to come straight away.' Jennie explained.

'We're glad you're feeling better, Jennie. While you were gone, we were having the craziest time. Amber, tell her what happened,' Jihyo said.

I spent the next half an hour explaining to Jennie everything. I told her about Mingyu, Eoa's crazy gang, Sana's evil plans and about the poisonous darts. It was definitely one of the scariest and daunting experiences of our lives.

'Wow. You've been through all that in the past two months?' Jennie asked with a shock expression. The room went silence for a few minutes, everyone was deep in their own cloud of thoughts.

'To be honest, I don't know what to feel. I mean, I'm happy that Eoa got killed by Jungkook but I can't stop thinking about the people Eoa has harmed. He blew up the entertainment building, killing everyone including our managers. His darts poisoned Ruthy which concluded in Row having to kill her. Eoa's men shot Row, killing our precious bodyguard. I don't know what to think, guys. So many people got killed because of us,' Jennie lowered her head and sighed.

'You're right,' Jisoo spoke. We all averted our heads towards her. 'You're right, Jennie. We were the cause of those people dying, but they got killed protecting us. Eoa wanted to execute us but couldn't, so he killed other innocent people around us. We should feel proud of the people who died for us. They should be our burning fuel driving us towards our dream. They wouldn't have wanted us to quit, not after everything they've done for us.

We are Lionne, nothing can break us. Nothing can break Lionne.'

The room went quiet as we all stared at her with wide eyes. I brought my hands up and started clapping loudly, soon everyone joined.

'Where did that come from, Jisoo?' Dahyun exclaimed.

'Yeah! You sounded like Beyonce but cooler!' Rose laughed.

Jennie stood up and shouted, 'Jisoo is right! We have to live our dreams and show the world who we are!'

'Hands in the middle!' We all placed our hands together in the middle.

'Lionne on three!' One! Two! Three! Lionne!!'


In the blinding light of the summer afternoon, I headed downstairs to meet up with Jungkook. Our love was accelerating each day, I was loving him more day by day. As I continued to ponder about Jungkook, a loud thud interrupted my thoughts. I turned around, it came from the closet. Slowly, I gripped the cold metal handle and twisted it open, only to be gobsmacked by the scene in front of me.

Mingyu and Anthony were inside. Holding hands with their faces inches away from each other. My mouth flew open as I stood static by the door.

'Guys? What's going on?' I asked in a high pitched voice. Mingyu eyed Anthony and deeply sighed, 'okay, we're coming clean. Anthony and I are together?' I watched as Anthony bit his lips and slightly blushed.

Oh, my god.

'I can't believe it! I'm so happy for you!' I squealed as I jumped into their arms. They exchanged confused looked towards each other. 'Wait, you're not mad?' Anthony asked. I looked with horror as I replied, 'why would I be mad? This is so great!'

'Well, isn't it weird seeing us together? You know, Mingyu really liked you,' Anthony asked with a worried expression. I shook my head vigorously and said, 'it's not weird, Mingyu and I were never together, it's okay.' Mingyu smiled as he linked hands with Anthony. I couldn't stop smiling, I couldn't feel happier for them.

Amber, I wanted to say that I'm sorry,' Anthony quietly uttered, 'for leaving you in Italy. I should have stayed with you.' I walked towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck. 'Don't apologise. I should be thanking you,' I looked at both of them, 'both of you. Thank you for everything, I don't know how to repay you.' Anthony grinned as Mingyu ruffled my hair.

'You're welcome, buddy.'


'I heard you're debuting tomorrow?' Jungkook asked as he fiddled with his pizza. I nodded as I snuggled closer towards his chest.  We laid on the soft sand, viewing the forever stretching sea. The beautiful sunset radiated its lavender and apricot colours. My eyes narrowed as I watched as each wave overlapped one another, sending the white and bubbly foam up the beach.

Jungkook seductively nuzzled my neck and whispered, 'hey idiot, I love you.' I shyly blushed a dark crimson as I stuttered, 'I-I love y-you too.' He chuckled and gently grazed my cheeks with his hand. His angelic face was inches away from mine. With mustered courage, I delicately placed my lips on his, creating a whirlpool of excitement near my stomach.

We continued to kiss under the blazing colours of the sunset.

After everything that's happened, after everything I've lost, I'm glad I haven't lost the one that I love most. I will always comfort him, I will always defend him and I will always love him.

Thank you, Jungkook.

I love you.



Stay sexy ;)

- AlunaticD

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