34. Shot Down

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A poisonous dart.

Ruthy's face immediately turned pale. She wore a horrid look in her eyes. Drops of sweat started forming on her forehead.

How did Ruthy get shot by a dart?

Ruthy turned her head to Row, pleading for help. Row wore a blank face with no expression. He slowly walked to her and pulled out the dart. He gently placed his hands on her shoulders, turning her towards him.

'Honey, do you feel anything?' He said calmly.

Ruthy paused and said, 'I feel something burning in my heart. I also feel really hot.'

Jungkook pulled me behind him.

It's happening.

Everyone started moving back when Ruthy started breathing heavily. She dropped her head and clenched her fists. Row stood in place, eyeing his wife.

I witnessed the girls hiding behind the BTS members.

It's definitely happening.

Suddenly, Ruthy harshly grabbed Row's neck and strangled him.

Jimin and Jungkook immediately ran towards them and pulled Ruthy away from Row. Row fell to the floor as he gasped for air.

I looked over to Jungkook and Jimin, they were practically wrestling Ruthy to the ground. She kept thrashing and hissing at them.

She was an animal.

Ruthy swung her leg and smacked Jimin, knocking him out. Then she pulled Jungkook's arm harshly threw him over her shoulder. Ruthy stood up and her eyes flickered around as she looked for her next victim.

Until her eyes landed on me.

Instantly, she sprinted with the speed of light towards me. I started running. I needed to get her away from the others.

It was the only way. I would risk my life for them.

I sprinted into the forest, loosing the sight of the others. Ruthy kept running after me, slowly coming closer.

A sharp pain exerted from my leg. My razor wound reopened.


I stopped running immediately and slumped to the ground. I could hear the footsteps of Ruthy coming closer. I tried getting up but it was no use, my leg was too injured.

As I heard the footsteps approaching, I braced myself.


I looked up to see Jungkook. He grabbed my legs and carried me deeper towards the forest.

'I distracted Ruthy,' He said out of breath.

I wrapped my arms around his neck for support as he to an old pine tree. He put me down and wrapped his arm around me, protecting me.

'Is everyone else okay?' I whispered.

Jungkook looked at me and smirked, 'don't do that ever again. You could have been killed.'

I pouted and looked away.

'But, thank you,' Jungkook uttered shyly.

Before I could reply, I felt someone grab my arm harshly to the ground. I looked up to see Ruthy with her eyes red and bulging, heaving in the air with drool on her lips. She straddled me, grabbed my neck and started choking me.

'Amber!' Jungkook yelled as he clutched Ruthy's body and pushed her away.

I touched my neck and gasped for air. Her hold on my throat was unbelievably strong.

Ruthy speedily stood up and ran towards us. Jungkook stood in front of me and acted as a shield from the killing machine.

But before she could reach us, a loud gunshot was heard.

Ruthy froze in her tracks.

Jungkook and I lifted our heads and eyed her. Ruthy's eyes were clouded with despair and her mouth formed a frown.

My heart dropped when she fell face down on the ground. Row stood a couple of meters behind her while holding a smoking gun.

He shot his wife.

'Row...' I said quietly.

He looked distressed and panicked.

'Yo-u do-dont't t-tell anyo-one th-this.' He stuttered.

I kept quiet while my mind scattered everywhere.

I owed him my life.

'It wa-s th-e onl-ly way.' Row wept as he crouched on his knees beside Ruthy.

'I'm-m sor-rry, m-my lo-ove.' He sobbed.

I suddenly heard footsteps approaching us. I looked behind Row to see the others running towards us.

'Guys! What happened?!' They asked.

I shook my head to shut them up. Now's not the time.

Lisa came running behind in panic.

'Everyone! We have to go! Those people are back!'

My mind went blank. More guns meant more darts.

We needed to get out.


The hairs on my body prickled when I heard a familiar voice. I turned around to see a tall figure standing behind Jungkook.


'I can get you guys out. Just follow me.'

I thought about our last encounter when he tried to kidnap me.

Should I follow him? What if he works for Eoa? Should I really trust him?

I looked at Jungkook and others with their terrified looks. None of them wanted to get shot by the darts.

Should I really trust him?




Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Stay sexy y'all <3

- AlunaticD

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