17. All Mine

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'You're beautiful.'

What did he say?

'If you're trying to make me like you, don't even bother,' I blatantly said.

'I'm telling the truth,' Mingyu said with a slight smirk.

'Let's talk about something else,' I said.

We started talking about the negative effects of drugs and how it would influence him as Mingyu silently listened.

'I used to sing on the streets to get money from people and I would use it on drugs. Eventually, I overcome my addiction when I found a passion for singing. So, I think you should find a passion. Something that will keep you motivated throughout the day, something that will make you happy.' I said with a smile.

'Do you have a passion, Mingyu?'

'Yes,' he said.

'What is it?' I curiously asked.

'I can't tell you.'

'Why not?'

'It's a secret.'

I glared at him as he continued to look at me. We stared into each other's eyes until I looked away, those dark eyes reminded me of Jennie.

Suddenly, Mingyu stood up and walked towards me. I started getting afraid when he gripped the back of my chair and turned it so I faced him. He leant towards my face and quickly gripped my wrists. Mingyu stopped leaning when our noses were nearly touching.

'Why are you shaking, Amber?' Mingyu whispered.

I realised I was trembling all over my body. What was happening to me? Was I that scared of Mingyu?

He gently brushed his hand across my cheek as I shuddered. 

Mingyu smirked and said, 'don't be scared, I'll never hurt you.'

'My passion is very close to me yet so far away. It's a small passion but leads to many things. I like this passion because there's only one in the world and it's mine. All mine.'

He slithered his hand around the back of my neck, touching my tattoo. He leant even closer and whispered, 'all....mine.'

A shiver travelled up my spine as I started to feel anxious.

This guy was seriously creepy.

Mingyu smirked and released my neck. He walked to the door and opened the door.

'I'll pursue my passion. I'll make sure of it.'


Thank you so much for reading!

What are your thoughts on Mingyu?

Stay sexy and see you in the next chapter!

- AlunaticD

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