24. Stolen First Kiss

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I slowly opened my tired eyes, I felt terrible. My head was spinning, I was hungry and was trembling with fear.

As my eyes adjusted to the surroundings, I couldn't move my arms and legs as they were tied to a chair.

I squinted my eyes when a tall figure approached me.

'Amber.' It called out.

The figure leant towards my face and wore a dark smile on his face.

'Mingyu,' I whispered.

'Hello, Dollface. Are you okay?'

'What kind of question is that? You kidnapped me and you're asking if I'm okay?' I yelled.

'Don't worry. Remember what I told you? I'll never hurt you.'

'Then what about Row?' I said as my eyes started tearing. 

I couldn't hold how hurt I was. I couldn't believe it.

Drops of tears glistened down my cheeks as I let out soft whimpers.

Mingyu kept his gaze locked on me as he placed his warm hand on my cheek.

'Don't cry, Dollface.' He leant close until our noses were touching.

'Amber, I need to tell you something.'

I kept quiet.

'I love you.'

Before I could comprehend anything, he slammed his lips against mine. My eyes widened as he moved his lips against mine. 

I couldn't believe it.

Mingyu stole my first kiss.

Mingyu placed his hand on my neck and deepened the kiss.

My body felt weak, I was going crazy.

I felt guilty because Mingyu shouldn't be kissing me. He wasn't the one I loved.

I'm sorry, Jungkook.


Someone yelled from the distance as Mingyu abruptly stopped and moved away from my face. 

He deeply sighed and said, 'I should have kept that bastard in a different room.'

I turn my head and gasped in shock.

A figure tied to a chair sat in the shadows. He tilted his head up and showcased his dark eyes. I stopped breathing.


I started tearing up again, Jungkook looked really pale.

'I said no talking!' Mingyu yelled.

'Don't you dare touch her!' Jungkook harshly replied.

'You don't own her, kid!' Mingyu said.

'She's not some toy you can pay with! You're hurting her!' Jungkook fired back.

Mingyu paused and looked at me, 'I would never hurt you.'

Jungkook clenched his fists in anger and tried breaking through the rope.

'Stay away from her, you bastard!' He screamed loudly.

Suddenly, the door opened and Row walked inside. His gaze locked on me. 

A frown came upon his face as he said, 'Mingyu, did you hurt her?'

Mingyu shook his head.

'Anyway, the bomb has been cleared. They can go now.'

My eyes furrowed together in confusion, 'what bomb?'

'A bomb exploded in BigHit entertainment. That's why we bought you here, to keep you both safe.' Mingyu said.

'What?' Jungkook said.

'Look, we'll explain everything, just come with us.' Row said while detaching Jungkook's ropes.

Mingyu untied me and touched my shoulders which sent chills across my body. We all walked through a dark hallway and inside a small room.

Jungkook moved closer to me and grabbed my hand, pulling me away from Mingyu.

'Let's start from the beginning,' Row said while rubbing his hands together.

'There is a gang in town which is dominated by a man called Eoa. He sends killers to murder innocent people who he thinks have faults. Mingyu and I work for Eoa and we are his most trusted workers. 

Anyway, we were sent to kill you.

A couple of months ago, Eoa's new target was Lionne. This reason was because he was angry that his daughter didn't get selected. Eoa's daughter wanted to be a singer but when she didn't get in, Eoa was furious.

As each day passed, his hatred towards you grew stronger. Until one day, he informed us to kill you one by one.

And Jennie was first up.'



First chapter in 2017! Hope you guys enjoyed it. If you enjoyed it, please vote and comment!

See you soon!

- AlunaticD

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