12. The Incident

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2 Months Later...

As I tucked myself into bed, I allowed the darkness to come over me. I felt a smile creep on my face as I remembered the day planned for tomorrow.

It was our debut stage.

After months of training, we're finally ready. We're ready to show the world who Lionne is.

Because like Jennie said...

We are Lionne.

The Next Day...

'Come on everyone, get ready quickly!'

'Where's the curler?'

'Has anyone seen the red lipstick?'

People rushed around the dressing room. I had more than five people working on me.

Today was the most painful day ever. 

I had everything waxed, cut, straightened, plucked.

But honestly, I haven't looked this beautiful in all my life.

Once I was ready, I looked at the other members. They all looked amazing. I smiled when Jennie strolling towards me.

'You look amazing, Amber!' She squealed.

'You also look stunning, Jennie,' I grinned.

We were interrupted when a manager called out, ' 'All Lionne members are needed on stage!'

Ruthy came up to me and smiled.

'It's time, Amber.'

Jennie led us as all lined up and one by one left the dressing room. We got escorted through several hallways until we reached the stage entrance. We walked across the stage and were instructed introduce ourselves.

I stood next to Lisa with Jennie on my right. I nervously smiled as the crowd cheered encouragingly.

'Hello, my name is Dahyun.'

'Hi, my name is Rose.'

We continued until it was my turn.

'Hello everyone, my name is Amber.'

Lucky last was Jennie.

'Nice to meet you, I'm......'


I felt an impact coming from my side as I covered my ears from the sound of the gunshot. I opened my eyes to see people with hands over their mouths as they showed bewildered expressions. Other people were frantically sprinting towards the exit.

I snapped my head towards the members, they all stood ridged like statues as they stared at me.

My brain desperately tried to make sense of it all but I couldn't.

That was until I turned my head.

They weren't staring at me but a pool of blood.

I became paralysed with shock.

Jennie got shot.


Thank you for reading! I'm sorry if this story is boring, I'm trying to come up with better ideas. If you happened to enjoy it, don't forget to leave comments and vote!

Thanks again for reading this far into the book, I'm really grateful :)

- AlunaticD

Stay sexy beautiful...

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