8. Crush?

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'Amber! We're leaving!'

Frantically, I rummaged through my wardrobe as I woke up extremely late.

I suddenly remembered my tattoo. I needed to conceal it.

I opened my foundation and slowly patted it.

My mind drifted to last night. I thought about how the girls continually showed support after I told them my dark past in Italy. It made me realise how lucky I was to have them in my life.

- Big Hit Entertainment Building -

'Hey guys, I want to tell you something,' Jennie suddenly spoke as we all turned our attention to her.

'I want to tell you the history of Lionne.'

We all nodded and listened intensively.

'Lionne was the name given to this group because of its members. Each lion in the world has a strong heart. Each member of this group has a strong heart. 

We are Lionne.

The manager formed us into this group because we all have something in common. 


I read somewhere that lions symbolise courage, wisdom, royalty and protection. We are the embodiment of these traits. We are tough and made of metal but we also have the side of softness which represents compassion and kindness. 

That's why we're together.

Amber, you told us your story back in Italy, I'm sincerely sorry about your brother. You had the courage to keep going which I commend you for.

Everyone here has a reason to be here.

Jisoo, I heard you saved a man from a car accident which shows your bravery and courage. 

Jihyo, you used your voice to stop bullying at your old school which shows your compassionate nature. You see? We all have a reason to be here.

I know why I was chosen.

My childhood was tainted with dark memories of my parents. My father was very abusive towards my mother. I would always try to help but couldn't to no prevail.

My life completely changed one day.

My father entered the house with a gun in his hands as he threatened to kill my mother. I remember seeing her so afraid. They kept yelling until I heard the trigger being pulled.

I stepped forward in front my mother.


I fell to the floor in pain as my mother started sobbing. The last thing I remember before I blacked out was my mother's hand gently caressing my cheek.

Then I woke up in the hospital.

My bullet wound completely healed after two months. I remembered leaving the hospital feeling overwhelmed with joy. My mother and I walked home until I came across a poster.


That was when I decided to audition.

Now I'm here,' Jennie finished.

I felt my eyes getting teary.

'You were so brave, Jennie. Taking a bullet is quite something,' Dahyun said.

'Thanks, guys.'


'Hey, guys... I think I like someone,' Jihyo confessed.

We all jumped from our seats. 

'What! Really?!' We screamed.

'Calm down. I don't know if I like him, though,' Jihyo said.

'Who is it? What's his name?' We bombarded her with questions.


'Yeah?' I said.

'It's Jungkook from BTS.'

My heart dropped...


Thank you so much for reading! I have exams coming up so I might be a bit late to update, sorry!

Stay sexy everyone!

- AlunaticD

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