37. Lifeless

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I woke up with a dry mouth. My heavy eyes scanned my surroundings. I sighed in frustration as I was still trapped.

No windows. No way out. Every minute was hell. I heard a clock ticking as it echoed throughout the stillness of the air.

I was exploding with millions of questions. How were Anthony and the others? Did they escape in time? How was Jungkook? Did he get hurt? What's Eoa going to do with me? Am I going to die?

I heard a knock on the door.

'Hello, Amber. Ready?'

I lifted my head to see Sana.

'I'm so ready, you wouldn't believe it,' I scoffed.

'Pff, please,' Sana said as she loosened my ropes and handcuffed my hands as she pushed me out.

'I'm so excited, aren't you?' Sana exclaimed.

'Very,' I said sarcastically.

'Great because we're here,' Sana said.

We walked into a large hall. I saw a group of people standing in the centre.

Sana shoved me closer until I could distinguish their faces.

A middle-aged man looked up. I noticed how familiar his face looked.

'Hello, Oceania,' He spoke with a low voice.

I felt a shiver travel up my spine.


'Nice to finally meet you,' Eoa said.

Sana uncuffed my hands and walked towards her father. I rubbed my sore wrists as I stood in front of them.

'Let's start, shall we?'

'Start what?' I dared to ask.

'You'll see, my dear.'

I gulped when a door abruptly opened. I looked to see two men dragging a restless figure. I looked closer only to yelp in fear.

Thrashing around in their arms was Jungkook, he looked mortified.

'Jungkook!' I yelled.

Jungkook froze and met my eyes. The guards let him go and Jungkook raced towards me.

I opened my arms and hugged him tightly.

'Amber, you're okay,' he whispered.

'I missed you so much,' I said into his chest.


I looked up to see Eoa holding a gun aimed towards us.

I scanned for any wounds but nothing.

It was only until Jungkook squeezed my arms that I saw a dart impaled in his neck.


I watched as Jungkook's eyes started to darken.

Just like Ruthy's eyes.

Jungkook swiftly pushed me to the ground, I screeched when he came on top of me. He clutched my neck and started squeezing the air out of me. It wasn't as hard as Mingyu's hold but it was painful.

I attempted to remove his grasp and he did.

Until he punched me in the jaw. My head jerked to the side as I winced in pain. 

I can't die like this.

I mustered my strength and flipped us around. Now, Jungkook was below me. I brought my fist up but hesitated.

I couldn't hurt Jungkook.

He shoved me off and pulled my hair. I cried in pain as he yanked me to the side. I reached back and grabbed his wrists but he was too strong. My forehead smacked onto the wall.

The pain made my vision go black at the edges. I stood up with the world spinning around me.

'Jungkook,' I said.

I held my breath when I saw Jungkook holding a gun towards me.

Where the fuck did he get that from?

I rushed to Jungkook and grabbed his wrist. He pulled the trigger which luckily missed my head.  Gasping, I kicked him in the stomach which made us both fall to the floor.

I held the gun as he stood up. I laid on the ground with my gun aimed at him. I imagined if our roles were reversed, Jungkook would definitely shoot me.

Jungkook doesn't know what he's doing, he's being controlled by the poison.

I knew what to do. It was better me than him.

I redirected the gun towards my head as Jungkook held the gun in his hands. I brought my hand up to his cheek and caressed it. A single tear cascaded down my face when I spotted the pizza necklace hanging from his neck.

He still wore it.

I watched as he tugged the trigger of the gun. I closed my eyes as I waited for the bullet.


I opened my eyes to see Jungkook with the gun aimed at Eoa.

I watched as Eoa's lifeless body fell to the ground.



Thanks for reading babes!

See you soon xx

- AlunaticD

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