43. Incident 2.0

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'Come on everyone, get ready quickly!' 'Where's the curler?' 'Has anyone seen the red lipstick?'

People panicked as they rushed around the dressing room. It was chaos, I had several hands working on me. This was more stressful than last time. I watched the bolted T.V as the other groups performed on stage. A smile crept on my face when BTS started performing. 

Jennie stood beside the door, viewing the T.V. I walked beside her nudged her playfully. Her eyes glued to the screen. 'Jennie!' I yelled. She jolted in shock and eyed me with shock, I gave her a goofy smile. 'You excited?' I asked. She nodded, 'just a bit nervous. I don't want a repeat of what happened last time.' I smiled, 'don't worry, you'll be fine. We're all here for you, Jennie.'

'All Lionne members are needed on stage!' Jennie took my hand and smiled, 'let's go.'

We single-filed into a line and one by one left the dressing room. We got escorted through several hallways until we reached the stage entrance. We walked across the stage, I heard several fans scream from the audience. I stood next to Lisa and Jennie, I nervously smiled as the crowd cheered encouragingly. Why was so much harder the second time?

'Hello, my name is Dahyun.'

'Hi, my name is Rose.'

We continued until it was my turn.

'Hello, I'm Amber.'

Jennie was next. I bit my lip and nervously waited for her response.

'Nice to meet you, I'm......BANG'

I felt an impact coming from my side as I covered my ears from the sound of the gunshot. I opened my eyes to see people with hands over their mouths as they showed bewildered expression. No, not again.


I jolted in shock, expecting to see Jennie on the floor with a pool of blood, but didn't. Jennie stood with a smile as the audience cheered loudly. I turned my head to see the others already exiting the stage. I blew a sigh of relief and gripped Jennie's hand.

'I'm okay, Amber.' Jennie said. I smiled and said, 'I know, my mind just played tricks on me.'

We strolled back into the dressing room to see BTS. Jungkook walked towards me and kissed my temple, 'are you okay?' I nodded and hugged his chest.

'Everyone!' Dahyun called out, 'can we get into a circle, please! I need to make a toast!' I was handed a glass of juice.

'Cheers to Row and Ruthy!'

'Cheers to Mingyu and Anthony!'

'Cheers to BTS!'

'Cheers to Lionne!'

'And finally! Cheers to our new life!' Dahyun yelled as we clinked our glasses together. Laughter filled the air as we cherished this moment together. Our friendship was a form of indescribable love. We were there for each other, the good and hard times. We stood beside each other in times of heartbreak, easing their pain and comforting them. Our friendship required us to be ourselves. How else do we show that our friendship is more than words?

I knew from that moment that I would be happy in South Korea. I had incredible people around me, an amazing career and I didn't have some killer gang coming after me. No more failures, no more fiascos.

I'm forever grateful.

Memories from the past flooded my head, it definitely was a roller coaster.

'Hey guys, look! Our rooms!' I yelled excitedly.

'Watch where you're going, you idiot,' I said.

'Hello poppy, fancy a walk?' 

'Hey, guys... I think I like someone,' Jihyo confessed. 

Amber? We have to get out of here, it's not safe here.'

'I'll pursue my passion. I'll make sure of it.'

'Seven letters, seven members and seven continents.'

'Nice to meet you, Amber! My name is Sana.'

First, my arm hurts from the fall. Second, the razor sliced my skin. Third, my hair turned purple.

'Hi...Anthony.' My brother. He's back.

'You love pizza, don't you?' Jungkook said. 'You're so cheesy,' I laughed.

Ruthy's eyes were clouded with despair and her mouth formed a frown. Row shot his wife.

'Sir, Row Smith has been abolished, he's dead.'

I watched as Eoa's lifeless body fell to the ground.

'Lionne on three! One! Two! Three! Lionne!!'



It's almost time to say goodbye :(

- AlunaticD

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