Chapter 2 - Favour

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"Hello Satan." I mumbled, sighing in an over exaggeration. "And no I didn't miss you." I continued, my eyes following my converse clad feet as I forced one in front of the other, making my way to the prison that would keep me captive for the next few years of my life.

What a shame.

"How dare you." He said, putting his hand to his heart in mock hurt, as if I stabbed a knife into his


Hmm, imagine that.

How nice it would be to stab the fucker, twist the knife, pull it out, jaB IT IN AGAIN AND –

Whoa, Maya... calm yourself down.

I took a deep breath, clenching and unclenching my fist, to calm myself down, seeing that physical violence is frowned upon in our society.

However, that fact did not last too long as I was tempted once more to punch the yapping idiot beside me... in the throat, who was most likely taking every insult he could think of and throwing it my way.

I was pulled into reality when my back violently met with the surfaces of the school lockers that lined the hallways as I saw Lucifer – sorry, Luke stare me down while the Asian and the coloured haired dwarf approach me.

"Did you hear what I said, bitch?" He asked angrily.

Shit, shit, shit.

What did he say?

I was too busy planning his death to listen to the crap coming out of his mouth.

I meekly shook my head, feeling slightly scared now.

They were like ticking time bombs.

A short fuse with a harsh impact where the slightest thing could set them off.

I cowered backwards into myself, wishing I could morph into the walls and just disappear as they walked towards me, advancing tantalisingly slow.

I turned my head, screwing my eyes shut.

I felt two fingers place themselves on my chin, tilting it ever so gently.

"Look at me." His voice was soft, yet I felt chills run down my spine.

I didn't dare open my eyes, or even breathe for that matter.

"I said look at me." His voice was louder now, more demanding, but nevertheless I did as I was

told, my terrified eyes meeting with Luke's cold ones.

"It's all your fault." He said, his voice calm but he had an undertone filled with disgust. His eyes held a glow of anger that was directed towards me, the same look he's been giving me for the past three years.

But I didn't blame him for the hostility he had towards me.

It was my fault after all.

What happened that day...

No one else was to blame except myself.

And that was one thing I would be reminded of for the rest of my life - especially from Luke.

He held a grudge and that wouldn't be dropped anytime soon.

I took something away from him, and from myself.

But there was no way to get it back.

He shook his head at me in pure hatred. His fingers dropped from where they were resting on my chin and before I knew what was happening I was holding my face in my hand and crouching on the floor, my eye throbbing as he had delivered a harsh blow to it.

"You're so worthless!" Calum laughed, kicking me as if I was a piece of garbage, lying on the side

of the road.

But that's what I probably looked like to them.

"Why don't you do us all a favour and kill yourself." Michael said, loud enough for everyone to hear as I felt another punch be delivered to my stomach by Luke.

I doubled over in pain as I saw Calum and Michael join in, panting heavily as the air was knocked out of me.

"Please." I attempted to get out, my voice weak as I tried to keep in the tears that prickled my eyelids.

"Please stop." I begged in desperation, like the helpless piece of shit I was as I began to get dizzy.

But they only continued, the only other sounds being the conjoined laughter of the other students that crowded around, chanting the typical mantra that seemed to be the only thing they had to say.




The bell rang loudly, a sound I was actually grateful for as I heard the scrambling of footsteps rushing away and in a matter of moments, I was left alone.

My vision was blurry and there wasn't a single area on my body that didn't ache.

"Maya Irwin, you're late. What are you doing on the floor? Get to class now." I heard the voice of a teacher say, walking past and leaving me as I was on the floor as I wiped my hand over my face and looked at the moisture of my tears mixing with the sickly crimson colour of blood.

What the hell did she think I was doing on the floor?

Yep, I'm just casually taking a nap, not like I'm in pain or anything...

I tried to force myself to get up, but the throbbing in my stomach and my sides caused me to have to limp my way to the bathroom.

I gasped as I met with my reflection in the mirror.

My eye was purple, turning black almost.

I pulled up my sweatshirt, purple bruises forming there too. I touched my finger to the discoloured skin, wincing as I did so.

Spitting out blood into the sink, I turned on the tap, the clear water gushing out and washing away the thick red. I splashed water onto my face and willed myself not to cry.

Reaching into my bag and pulling out some foundation, I applied it to my eye to hide the plum colour that stood out, concealing it so it was hardly noticeable.

I rested my hands against the sink, leaning my weight against it as I thought about what he said.

"Why don't you do us all a favour and kill yourself."

After all, what was the point in living anymore when this was the only thing you got?

There's nothing else to live for, right?

(A/N): wrong



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