Chapter 48 - Stranger

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ok so this song is one of my new favorites, the lyrics, art style, video... i love it all! from what i understood, it's about these 3 people who can't seem to escape a wolf who transforms into a monster and that wolf represents obsession and death even. of course, it relates to Maya and i hope you guys will Ike it too ^_^

I held my breath and leaned my weight over. My hands shook slightly as my fear of heights seemed to almost overwhelm me. I closed my eyes and stood up, backing away from the cliff edge slowly.

All I had to do was jump.

But it was as if I could feel a magnet, pulling me back. I could feel someone... watching me.

Was I just imaging it?

Or was it Ashton and mom?

I looked around, scanning my surroundings, trying to prove to myself that I was alone. But as soon as I glanced over my shoulder, I thought I saw a figure concealed by the darkness of the forest.

"Hello?" I called out, feeling slightly anxious. I waited for an answer and when there was none, I shrugged it off as my imagination playing tricks on me. Before I could convince myself that I was alone, I heard a rustle. A very slight rustle of leaves and once again the figure became more clearer.

Who was there?

"Hello?" I called, a little louder this time, walking forward towards what may potentially be a serial killer rapist, mass murderer who loved to hang the heads of his victims on his living room wall above the fireplace while drinking tea. I pushed that thought away and just as I was about to re-enter the woods, the figure began to run.

Confused and unsure of my intentions, I chased after the hooded figure, panting and throwing branches out of my way.

"Wait!" I yelled, just as the material of my dress caught itself on the pointed bark of a tree. I huffed and tugged at it, coincidentally ripping the fabric as I looked around for where the person had gone. Huffing and puffing for air, I mumbled angrily under my breath at the fact that I lost them.

I sat down for a minute and caught my breath. I sat there on the forest floor for a long time and thought to myself.

Why was I so desperate to chase after them in the first place?

I was so close to death, something I had been wishing for a long time.

Why was I running away from it?

Who was that?

Did they just save me from killing myself, or did they kill me by causing me to save myself?

The questions without answers swirled in my head and sadly I was the only passenger on this thought train, whose only destination was a hell that I knew I wouldn't be coming back from.

All of a sudden I felt a buzz in my pocket. I pulled out my phone to see a single text.

A text from unknown...

"Time is ticking, it's running fast, faster than you." It read.

Time is ticking? For what though?


Was the mystery stranger who I was chasing the same one who was sending me this message.

All these thoughts made my head spin and I threw my phone as hard as I could. I slammed my clenched fists against my temples and screamed as loud and as hard as my lungs would allow me.

To think I was so close to finding my mystery stalker and now here I was, sitting pathetically in a dark forest without a reason to live.

Maybe they really are killing me...

Maybe I chased after them because I thought they'd give me a reason...

Heck, I didn't even know who that was.

I couldn't help but let tears stream down my face and I didn't even know why I was crying.

I watched the crisp leaves by my feet flutter as my tear drops fell onto them. And I began to scrape my fingernails against them, burying my fingers in the dirt. It would be so easy to dig a grave for myself here. My mind had already dug myself a grave. So I should let my body become as dead as my mind... as dead as the way I felt right now.

Number 16: Dig a bigger grave and wait for eternal rest

(a/n): again the mystery stranger sends a mysteriously strange text! and  maya was so close to finding out who it was.... 

this book is going to end pretty soon :( 

about 5 chapters now so put on your seatbelts and prepare for drama, action, revelations and answers to all those unanswered questions 

coming to a wattpad near you, winter 2017 

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