Chapter 41 - 3 Days

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"It's ok Maya, you need to listen, if not to the doctors then listen to me."

"Michael, I can't! He's all I've got left!"

"Maya look, you've still got me. And I'm not going anywhere..."

"But -"

I couldn't stop the tears from flowing out my eyes. My head was burrowed in Michael's chest as he sat beside me in Ashton's room, my tears soaking through the material of his shirt. He rubbed my back and stroked my hair softly in an attempt to calm me down, but it did little to sooth the ache in my heart for my brother's condition.

"I'm sorry madam, but I'm afraid there's nothing we can do. It's already been two weeks and we need this room for other patients. There hasn't been a response from him no matter what we tried and to tell you the truth miss, we think he may already be gone." Although the nurse spoke softly, her words were harsh.

The beeping of the life support monitor was futile. That wasn't Ashton's heart beat. It only felt like it was.

I reached out to touch his hand and they were cold to the tips.

"Please Ashton, please. You can't go. You just can't." I whispered, hoping he would hear and somehow react. I coughed as another sniffle left my nose. I wiped away my tears with the sleeve of my cardigan and held onto Michael.

"Sorry miss, but visitation hours are over. I'm afraid you'll have to leave." The nurse urged, glancing at her watch.

"Please please keep him here. Even if it's just a few days. Please, I can't live without my brother nurse." I begged, sounding pathetic.

"We'll grant him an additional three days and if there is no response, then -"

"Thank you." I said, cutting her off, not wanting to hear the rest of her sentence. She was startled that I interrupted but gave me a nod of her head regardless.

"Come here." Michael beckoned, wrapping his arms around my small figure and pulling me close to him. I couldn't cry anymore for it seemed as though I ran out of tears to give. So I stood there in the corridor and we stood there together, my head in his chest and his cheek on my head. I listened to Michael's slow heart beat and closed my eyes, imagining a scenario where I could be stuck in time in this perfect, yet depressing moment. Only I imagined my mother and brother breathing and with me, so we could all feel alive.

But that moment was broken faster than I wanted as Michael pulled away from me. His one arm was wrapped around my shoulder and he kept me close, leading me to his car.

"Where are we going?" I asked Michael as he missed the turn that would lead to Kathryn's house.

"I'm taking you to my place." He said, turning to smile at me briefly. "You told me you didn't want to go home because of what happened and you didn't want to stay at Kathy's anymore because you didn't want to bother her so I figured, why not stay at mine?" He explained. And for what felt like the first time in my life I didn't object to being with Michael. As opposed to years past, I felt safe around him. And when he wasn't around I missed his warmth.

I let out a yawn and leaned my head against the cold window, feeling the rumble of the car as it accelerated. I couldn't keep myself awake any longer so I let myself fade into darkness, with only one mind and one worry in my head.

3 days.

Ashton had 3 days to somehow wake up.

And I hoped with all my heart that he would.

(a/n): i think next week i'll type up all 3 days but for now let me know what you think of today's chapter. 

This QOTC will be: If you could freeze time, what would your most perfect scenario be?" Mine would be to sleep lol. 

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