Chapter 6 - Joke

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Halloween was your basic 'dress as slutty as you can' day, with loads of creeps roaming around. But if you ever felt threatened, all you would need to do is grab the Harley Quinn bat from the basic hoe in your group...

And if there was one thing about the festive season I didn't understand, it was this: If our parents always told us never to take candy from strangers, what was halloween?

You know that Macklemore lyric that goes 'walk up to the club like'... yeah, my remix would be: walk up to the club like, what up? I got a bad case of depression and social anxiety and imma leave right now before I pee my pants. 

But honestly, this was my life: 

*goes to a party and will awkwardly follow Ashton around the entire time*

*goes to a family reunion and awkwardly follows mom around the entire time* 

and I can guarantee that if I went to hell, I would awkwardly follow satan around the entire time too. 

The thoughts went through my mind as we approached the red cup littered lawn and knocked on the door. I took a few deep breaths in and out, bracing myself for what was to come. The party scene wasn't really my forte so I didn't really know what to expect, but I could bet you 20 dollars that the majority of bitches in there would be dressed as Harley Quinn.

And right I was, as a mixture of red and blue double pig tailed hair, was all I saw behind a boy who granted us entry that I didn't want to see: Luke. I tried to avoid eye contact, but it was too late.

"Maya, so glad you could make it!" He noted, making me mentally facepalm a hundred times over. His tone was too cheerful and I knew he was either tipsy, drunk or completely shit faced, because Luke never willingly showed any other emotion to me other than hostility, and anything otherwise, would be a first. He led us in and the stench of alcohol made my nostrils shrivel up as it hit me.

The deafening music made my ear drums thump and I groaned, looking around and already wanting to leave despite arriving 17 seconds ago. The crowded room was enough to make me feel claustrophobic and there were too many people, all in one space.

Every corner of the living room was littered with a homosapien, either engaging in a heavy makeout session, grinding on someone completely random, chugging bottles upon bottles of alcohol, or smoking some kind of blunt that was rolled up between their fingers.

There was a second floor that was part of living room where I could see Ashley, dressed as the infamous femme fatale from suicide squad, talking and laughing along with her boyfriend Calum and some others, of which included Michael who had changed his hair to an electric blue.

"Come, let me get you something to drink." Luke said, his voice breaking me from my observations as he led us to what I assumed to be the kitchen.

He would never give me the time of day, so why was he suddenly showing me some form of kindness?

"No thank you." I said, looking to my left to tell Ashton that I wanted to go, but as soon as I was met with random faces, I knew he and Leah had left me.

Those brown headed idiots.

"It's just lemonade." Luke said with a shrug, handing me a cup.

Despite the fact that I didn't trust him, I took the cup and looked at the clear liquid, eyeing it suspiciously. Sure enough the strong smell of lemon filled my nose and I decided to take a sip. After all, what was the worst he could do? Poison me?

He watched me as I tilted the cup to my mouth and that's when I knew something was up. I drank some of the 'lemonade', the cool liquid touching my tongue, a sharp, tangy taste that had a hint of something else coming through, but I didn't dare let it run down my throat. He offered me a clearly fake smile before walking away as I spat the drink back into the cup and left it on the countertop, looking around for a head of messy gold curls to shout at for leaving me.

"Cut the music!" Amongst my search for Ashton and his companion, Ashley stood with a microphone in hand, standing in the middle of the foyer where all eyes were on her as her commands were obeyed and the heavy bass of some kind of song halted, my ears still ringing.

It was then that I realised how out of place I looked with my puffy, white onesie whereas every other girl else was dressed in something so short, it looked as though they might as well be naked, or so tight that the outline of their bodies and curves were well defined and it made me question if they could breathe at all.

"I would like to introduce you all to someone. Now you might know her as the nerd, or the geek or something like that. But I like to refer to her as the biggest joke the world has ever seen." She spoke, everyone in wonder of who she was talking to.

I too was curious of this mysterious girl...

That was until I got a very sickly feeling in my stomach.

But it couldn't be.

She has to be talking about someone else right?



A joke.

Those were the sort of things people would jeer at me.

I was about to walk away, run out before anyone could see me.

But before i could turn, I felt something being poured onto me.

I gasped, shocked as it felt as though liquid had been poured over my head and was now running down my onesie. I looked up seeing Luke, Calum and Michael alongside him, as they stood on the second floor, directly above me, holding buckets of their own as they laughed uncontrollably.

I looked at the costume I was adorned in, seeing the white material staining with a sickly red, the pungent smell of blood strongly circulating through the thick air that surrounded me. 

What the hell?

I wanted to run, to do something, but I felt so helpless as I stood frozen in shock.

And before I knew it, a heavier weight was being dropped onto my head as I fell to the floor from the sudden impact. I picked up the small objects that lay scattered around me and my hands shook violently as I twisted the multiple toy cars around in my hand.

Cowering into myself, not a single person came forward to stand up for me. Ashton was nowhere to be found as I looked up helplessly, silently begging that my brother would somehow appear and come to my rescue.

But instead I was met with the laughter of the countless number of people, the mocking sound resonating through my ears, and from my peripheral vision i could see phones pointing towards me.

I looked up, completely helpless and unable to stand as my teary eyes made contact with Luke's maniacal glare as Michael was the one who dumped another final bucket from above.

But this one was filled with broken, shattered pieces of glass and I held my arms up above me, acting as a useless shield. The fleece was thick enough to stop the sharp pieces from penetrating into my skin, but it wasn't thick enough to hide the embarrassment I felt. I wished it could strangle me, wanting to simply disappear.

"Maya Irwin you are the biggest joke the world has ever seen." Luke's voice was loud and clear, the message delivered and engraving itself into my head as a permanent note. 




The reminder of what happened long ago, too strong as I tried to get up, pathetically falling again to the floor as the pain in my head began to increase.

The conjoined laughter started to sound more like distant echoes. 

(A/N): was supposed to put this up yesterday as a triple update for a halloween special i guess you could say, but my internet went out :/


anyone guess 'what happened long ago?' 

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