Chapter 5 - Fear

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"So how was school today Maya?" Ashton said as I was met with the warm heating circulating through the small space of his car.

"It was okay." I lied, avoiding eye contact as I rubbed my hands together and placed them on the air vents where the hot air made contact with the cold skin. "I got invited to a party today." I muttered.

"What? Really? That's great news! Me too. It wouldn't happen to be the one on West End is it?" Ashton seemed way happier about this than humanly normal...

"Yes, and why are you so happy?" I confirmed after checking the address on my notebook, curiously asking as my eyes drifted to the road that we drove along.

"Because, I know the guy that lives there. Him and his sister throw the biggest and the best parties ever." He said, "And I'm happy because you're finally making friends! I'm so proud of you." He continued, his tone too happy for my liking as he quietly said the last part.

"One, she's not my friend. And two, why are you proud of me?" I asked, putting emphasis on my first point so he was clear on one thing.

"You're moving on." He clarified, looking at me for a split second.

"I haven't." Shaking my head, I leaned it against the window, feeling the coldness as a stark contrast from the warmth.

"It's been three years Maya. What happened wasn't your fault. You have to -"

"You know I'm never going to stop thinking about that Ashton." I muttered quietly, my eyes falling to the fingers in my lap that fidgeted with each other. I could feel a lump forming in my throat and I tried to swallow it down.

"But -"

"Don't talk about it!" I burst out as Ashton swerved slightly, his grip lost on the wheel for a moment before he recovered control.

"Sorry." I whimpered meekly, lucky that there were no cars around.

"No I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up." He reassured, patting my arm as he offered me a genuine smile to which I wasn't in the mood to fake back. "So, are you gonna go? I'm actually going with someone, if you wanna come" He changed the subject, to which I was glad.

"I don't want to. You know I don't deal well with social interaction." I said, trying to take my mind off from (A/N: shaking hands with) the dark parts of my thoughts. (A/N: TOP vibes)

"I think you should come. Get over your fear you know?" He encouraged gently while I laughed mentally.



Not gonna happen.

I sat up straighter, a thought coming to me as I tried to figure out how to word it without being too obvious.

"Thanks for the chocolate bar by the way." I said, staring out of the window and avoiding eye contact, feeling guilty for lying to my brother.

"You're welcome." He said, confirming my suspicions. Maybe I shouldn't leave my school bag lying around the living room anymore... "Oh there's someone I'd like you to meet by the way." He said, his mood changing to one of happiness and I silently wished that some of that would rub off on me.

He parked in front of our house and I could see a pretty brunette, sitting on our front lawn.

"Leah!" Ashton called, the brunette's head turning towards him as her smile mirrored his as they embraced each other, sharing a passionate kiss while my eyes cast themselves elsewhere as I felt completely out of place, intruding on their 'moment'. "Maya this is my girlfriend Leah, Leah this is my little sister Maya."

Girlfriend huh?

He introduced us as I reluctantly offered a handshake. But instead of accepting it like I expected, she pulled me into a warm hug as I stood frozen for a second before awkwardly reciprocating the action.

"It's so nice to finally meet you!" She said, her cheerful attitude matching Ashton and I swear it was like they were made for each other...

"Finally?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Ashton's told me so much about you." She said and I glanced towards Ashton who had already gone inside.

"Nice things I hope?" I asked, walking into my home, sweet home.

Some people say that home is where the heart is.

But to that I say nah.

Home is where them fuckers ain't.

"Of course." She laughed, walking in behind me.

"Mom this is Leah, my girlfriend that I was telling you about." Ashton said as my mother came out of the kitchen, drying her hands on a towel and giving Leah a hug.

"He did a good job." I heard my mother praise while I flopped onto the couch, wanting to sleep, but that wasn't possible, considering the fact that my mother was much too kind for her own good.

"Maya, get up and make our guest some room." She scolded to which I internally rolled my eyes.

"But I'm tired mom." I groaned, rolling over, but ending up falling to the floor.

"You can't be, Ashton and I were going to go to a party tonight, and we're taking you with us." Leah said, offering me a hand to which I accepted, and pulled me up.

"Pass." I said, holding my hands up before making my way to the staircase where I knew my comfy bed was waiting, practically calling my name... and rubbing my ass in the process.

"Come on Maya, you got invited to go as well." Ashton coaxed.

"There you go then, you have to come." Leah agreed.

"You're not going to give this up are you?" I groaned, slouching and rolling my eyes as they both shook their heads. "But I don't even have a costume." I tried going over every excuse I could find.

"Hey how about that Olaf onesie I got you back when Frozen came out?" Ashton suggested, stifling a laugh. I gave him a glare so harsh, that if looks could kill, he would be dead a thousand times over.

So after many protests, pleading and begging at some point, I was dragged along with the lovey dovey couple dressed as counterparts to each other, feeling so out of place in my olaf onesie, shaking and hyperventilating slightly as we stood in front of the mansion of a house.

Tonight was not going to end well.

And little did I know, that I was right...

(A/N): double update woop woop 

umm expect drama next chapter. 

and if you are going out tonight or whatever, stay safe okay : )

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