Chapter 9 - Cry

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I may have visibly flinched at the sound of my name being called by the annoying blonde giant himself, mentally rolling my eyes but deciding to keep the simple gesture to myself, considering the possibility that he would send me a threat that included pulling my eyeballs from their sockets if I so much as looked at him in the wrong way, and then proceed to carry out the graphic act.

"Yes, Lucifer?" I huffed out, slouching as I regrettably turned to face him. Sending me the dirtiest look he could muster, crossing his arms across his chest and somehow managing to look 1000000 times bigger, which dare I say, succeeded in intimidating me.

"Lucifer?" He asked, his tone challenging as if daring me to say it once more.

"Yes... Lucifer." I repeated, attempting to stand up straighter and give off the aura that he didn't affect me, despite my heart that was beating faster and faster in my chest, afraid of what he could do to me. Although I decided to turn up to school today, it wasn't my earliest attendance. Luke and I were the only ones standing in the empty hallway, so he could do anything he wanted and nobody else would have to know about it.

Nevertheless, I gulped, continuing. "Because you are the living embodiment of Satan himself." I didn't know if I had unconsciously slipped some confidence powder into my morning cornflakes because I would never have the guts to even do so much as to breathe loudly in his 'almighty' presence, or anyone else that associated themselves with the beacon of the high school for that matter. But I disregarded that thought, remembering that I skipped out on breakfast this morning... and the morning before.

Come to think of it, I haven't the slightest idea since I last touched an article of food...

... unless you count a stick of peppermint gum as dinner.

"Careful who you're talking to bitch. I can and will make your life hell. So don't fucking test me." He said, making me scoff.

"So what do you call this then?" I muttered under my breath before quickly covering my mouth, my eyes wide and hoping he hadn't heard.

"What did you just say?" He asked tauntingly, his voice daunting and his tone cold as he took a step towards me, automatically causing me to take a step back until my back hit against the cold surface of the brick wall behind me and I couldn't move any further, practically trapped by his ominous and ever looming presence.

"You wouldn't want everyone in this school to know of your little incident, would you?" He pulled his phone out from the pockets of his skin tight jeans, tapping the screen a few times and shoving the electronic device into my face.

And there it was.

A remnant of the embarrassment I suffered a few nights ago, captured forever and the memory saved as a daunting reminder for anyone and everyone to reminisce about and laugh over for the remainder of their school lives.

I seemed to be gulping a lot as that was all I did, but still my throat was as dry and dead as my jokes, the events of that night flooding back to my mind and a lump building in my throat. A frown printed itself on my lips while a smirk played out across his, clearly amused with my situation. My eyes fell to the floor as I struggled to keep myself together when all I wanted to do was let all the already broken pieces that made up my mental stability, completely fall apart.

"Good girl." He whispered, his breath hot as it fanned across the skin of my neck, his lips dangerously close to my ear. I shivered as though he sent bolts of electric shocks into me that ran down my spine. I squirmed with his proximity that was way too up close and personal with my space, sliding away. But I couldn't get very far as he slammed his hand against the wall, narrowly missing my head. My heart beat seemed to pick up dramatically in that moment as he edged closer and closer to me, our noses mere centimeters from touching.

My chest rose rapidly with every passing second while he stood perfectly calm. I turned my head away, my hands covering my face, feeling very much afraid of what he would do. My mind was reeling over possible scenarios of how this could play out, all of which involved him hurting me in some way or the other.

But to my surprise, he held my small hands in his larger ones, pulling them down and holding them single handedly while his other hand was hooked to my chin, turning it to face him. He began to lean in.

What the fuck.

What the fuck.

What the fuck.

By now I was surprised I hadn't died of a heart attack, considering the fact that my poor heart was going into overdrive.

And that's when I knew the school bell was my new saviour as it rang loudly, the overhead sound giving me permanent ear damage.


Within a second, he released my hands from his grip, his fingers dropping from where it was holding my chin as he began to walk away, as if the last few minutes didn't just happen. But he did say one more thing that made me want to cry.

"I like the effect I have on you."

Luke fucking Hemmings, I swear. I had enough stress to deal with. Why must you go and add more? If that was his plan on making my life hell, he sure as heaven was doing a damn good job because I could practically see myself lying in a hospital bed in a few weeks - screw that, few days.

Cause of death: Heart failure.

Reason: Scared to death by a tall blonde motherfucker.

After contemplating whether or not I would rather kill myself, or spend the rest of the day with the constant feeling of having to look over my shoulder for Luke, it was a no brainer that I stuck with my first option.

So I ran out of school, not knowing where I was headed... 

(A/N): yh i have no idea where tf i was going with this tbh... 

ik i havent uploaded last week (i planned out the ending already lol)...  but this chapter was the one i was supposed to put up yesterday... oops. 

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