Chapter 54 - Alcohol

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*picks up mic*

"I'm back" 

*drops mic* 

'Can legs actually turn into jelly' I typed into the search bar of google, scrolling through the many crazy hypothetical theories on my phone.

"Come on idiot!" Kathy laughed, pushing me forward. Caught off guard, I gasped loudly, feeling my knees hit the ground and hearing the clatter of my phone falling onto the concrete. "Whoa, watch it May, what the hell happened there?" Kathy muttered as she helped me up.

"Kathy, I think I have successfully proved the jelly legs theory." I said, extending my index finger towards the over hyped girl, before adjusting the cardigan around my shoulders.

"You don't have to be scared you know." She said beside me as I took a deep breath and gazed once at her house. The exhale that left my mouth was too long and in that moment I knew I probably wouldn't be able to survive a single second if I stepped foot past the pavement.

"Eh, on second thought, I umm, just realised I have to umm, you see I have err, something that I just r-remembered to do, ha..." I tried talking my way out of the inevitable situation, a nervous and desperate smile on my face against the unconvinced frown Kathy held.

"And just WHAT would that be?" She asked, crossing her arms across her chest and leaning her weight towards one leg.

"I need to go... feed my pet, donkey...?" I said, my statement sounding more like a question. I physically facepalmed at my sad, sad excuse and covered my heating face with my hands embarrassingly.

"That's what I thought." Kathy mumbled, pulling my hand away from my face and then proceeding to drag it behind her as she advanced faster than I would've liked towards Ashley's mansion of a house.

The memories of last year came flooding back and I found my breathing becoming heavier, my heart beating rapidly. At least I wasn't dressed in an olaf onesie this time...

Before I could turn around and run, the door opened to reveal a drunk Luke, who looked like he had a bit too much to drink. He somewhat resembled a cross between a drug addict and someone who had just woken up. His eyes were red and his hair was nothing less than a golden bird's nest atop his head. The first few buttons of his shirt were undone and one of his sleeves were rolled up all the way while the other seemed dragged across his arm. His skin tight jeans revealed a small packet in one the pockets while the rips at the knees looked like he had picked up his clothes from the nearest trash can.

"Oh look it's whatsherface!" Luke screamed, cheering and tossing his hands in the air. One of his hands held a red cup with what could only be more alcohol, which Luke proceeded to spill on himself. "Oops." He laughed, extending his arm towards us.

"Nice to see you too, breadstick!" Kathy replied, ignoring his hand.

"Oh look who finally decided to show up!" Luke said suddenly, as if just now realising my presence. I did do a good job at making people ignore my presence didn't I?

Good job Maya.

Before I could say anything, Luke stumbled towards me. Cautiously, I stepped back but Luke had wrapped his arms around my small body. He squeezed me in a bear hug, lifting me up slightly to which I groaned in pain, feeling my ribcage smush together.

"Here, have this!" He offered me his cup, smiling broadly after releasing me from his tight grip.

Again, it reminded me of last year...

But this time I didn't take the cup.

"No thank you Luke." I said, holding my hands out in front of me. Instead of leaving like I expected him to, he dragged me by the hand What was it with everyone dragging me today? He pulled me into the cramped and claustrophobic house and I felt my lungs constrict. I felt as though I couldn't breathe. The stench of alcohol and something else wafted through my nose and I wanted to hurl.

Every girl was dressed in very little and I wondered exactly what they considered as clothes. I looked down at my own attire and felt so, so out of place. Luke had led me into the kitchen which was considerably less crowded. He pulled a red cup and I watched as he poured various liquids into it, mixing a concoction of some sort.

"Drink." He said, offering me the cup and nodding. When I shook my head, he sighed and forced the cup between my fingers. "Let loose once in a while yeah." He laughed, patting my back and standing a little too close beside me. I felt pressured by his presence, so forced myself to take a sip. Immediately I coughed it out, tasting a bitter taste on my tongue.

"No, no you have to actually drink it Maya." He laughed. Obviously I had never tasted alcohol so this first was something Luke found amusing. Although every fibre of my being seemed to be screaming at me to stop, I couldn't help but drift towards Luke's words. Let loose once in a while. I tilted the cup towards my lips, closing my eyes and allowing the liquid to flow down my throat. I cringed at first but then the bitterness left a sweet aftertaste.

"Told you." He said, gazing into my eyes. I felt awkward being so close to him. The redness of his eyes reminded me too much of the time he came into my room, crying his eyes out for Hayley...

"Oh Maya, you made it." A voice interrupted my reminiscing and I looked at the source of the voice, my eyes narrowing slightly while my stomach turned itself upside down. Instead of wasting my energy replying to Ashley, I simply nodded my head and took another sip from my cup. If I had to spend the rest of the night seeing her face I'd need much, much more alcohol to control myself.

And that's exactly what I did.

Number 18: Drown in alcohol until I can't feel a thing 

(A/N): Idek what to say but sorry for my tardiness!!! 

I have been up to my eyeballs in work + uni so what can I say... when life sees you relaxing, it says NO 

but yeah, I'm back and the last couple chapters should be quite regular (yes, yes I KNOW I SAID THAT LAST CHAPTER WHICH WAS LIKE A MONTH AGO but i pwomise  🙏

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