Chapter 24 - Crazy

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“Maya, are you not going to go to sleep?” Mother questioned, doing a double take as she walked past my room and saw me with my head buried into my biology textbook.

“Sleep is for the weak.” I answered never lifting my head, my eyes scanning over the process of respiration, but my brain elsewhere. After everything that’s been happening with Ashton, my thoughts were clouded with worry for my dorky older brother. The doctors had offered him treatment, claiming that it would be the only thing that could save him... but Ashton refused it.

Mother couldn’t afford it and no matter how much she would beg him to let her take out loan after loan and work shift after shift, he simply would not allow it...

“Don’t stay up too late.” Mother said, breaking me from my thoughts and shaking her head as I watched her walk away.

But did I listen?

No. No I did not.

In fact, 2 hours later as the clock hit 3:21 am just as I stretched my sore limbs to allow the blood to properly circulate around my numb legs, I was startled so hard that I almost jumped out of my skin. A succession of taps on my window left me confused and slightly scared at what was outside on the balcony of my vicinity.

Maybe it was a crazy serial, psychopathic rapist that wanted to cut me open with a plastic water bottle cap and scoop out my insides...

Picking up the lamp that I kept on my bedside table, I steadied my breathing and pushed the curtains ever so slowly to the side. I could see a dark figure, almost camouflaged against the darkness of the night but as I squinted, I recognised the face of a blonde asshole.

“You’re a day late, mate.” I muttered to myself under my breath, wondering why he decided to play an April fool's prank on me at such an ungodly hour of the night.

Who needs April fools when your whole life is a joke, am I right?

Rolling my eyes and opening my balcony door to scold Luke, the stench of alcohol hit me like a tonne of bricks.

“What in the blue balls?” I complained, waving the air with my hand to disperse the gas particles tainted with the smell of alcohol. “Luke, what are you – wait, are you crying?” I asked, hearing sniffles and inspecting Luke’s puffy red eyes, a mixture of one too many drinks and crying. ”Christ, get inside will you.” I ordered, pulling him inside by the arm gently and closing the door behind him, part of me confused, another part of me sympathetic and a larger part untrusting, my entire being conflicting.

“What’s wrong?” I asked softly, turning around, expecting him to pull out a camera or something to either embarrass or harass me. But much to my surprise, he buried his head in my shoulder and cried.

Naturally, I stood frozen on the spot for a few moments, contemplating if this was real life or some weird bullshit world my mind had concocted and I was actually sleeping, in an unconscious dreaming state as we speak.
This was Luke, a boy who wouldn’t ever be seen dead within as much as a miles radius around me.

But here he was in my room, crying into my neck about something that was clearly troubling him to no end, seeing as he came to me, out of all the seven billion human beans in the world , for comfort. My body reacted before my mind could permit and my arms wrapped themselves around his abnormally tall frame. I could feel his tears wet my pyjama top and seep through the thin material.

“What's wrong?” I asked again, moving backwards away from him, holding onto his arms and using one of my hands to wipe away the tears that were sliding down his face, my thumb lingering on his skin for a second longer.

He uttered one word that made my heart sink. “Hayley.”

That’s when I realised...

Today marks a total of 3 years since her death.

That’s why Luke was teary eyed.
But... why did he come to me?

I was the one to blame...

“Come on, it’ll be fun! Trust me!” I had taken wayyyyyy too many shots and I was wayyyyyyy past the threshold of ‘drunk’

“No Maya, it’s not safe. We’re gonna get in so much trouble. Do you even know how to drive?”

“Hayley you’re such a kill joy! Come on its April fool's, we always prank at least one person every single year. We’re 15 now! We can do a lot more crazier shit!” I laughed, completely past the state of sanity.

“But stealing someone's car?! Are you fucking serious Maya? Do you even know how to drive?”

“Pssssh yeah. It can’t be that hard can it? Come on, get in!” I had such a rush of adrenaline and I wanted to ride it out as thrilling as humanly possible.

I remembered it so vividly.

Every single detail that led up to that moment.

The cold alcohol that burned my insides as each shot ran down my throat.

The wind slapping our faces and fluttering our hair behind us as I hit my foot harder on the accelerator.

The blinding headlights that were coming straight towards us on the narrow highway.

The screaming and crying as my heart beat out of my chest, knowing what was coming and knowing I was too late to stop.

The airbag inflating as I hit my head on the steering wheel, my body thrown forwards as the car collided with the other, without mercy.

The sight of Hayley as her head pierced through the windshield, my hand reaching out uselessly.

The shards of glass protruding from every inch of her skin as she lay limp on the bonnet on the stolen car.

The raging headache that made me succumb to the darkness, pulling me under a blanket of unconsciousness.

The beeping of the heart monitor that I awakened to and the two words that I would never let go of.

“She's gone.”

(A/n): Kay that just happened...

That's what happened three years ago, were you right? Were you wrong? Ah well, here's a cookie anyway!

More information revealed soon. Stay tuned!

Umm since this chapter was kinda morbid with death and such, i guess today's QOTC is: have you guys ever been in a near death experience?

I was stupid when I was younger and one day when I was going home from school I ran across the road without looking and almost got hit by a reversing car :/

Buuuuut what can I say? I'm a dumb idiot lol!

... I still am

Anyway, moral is, make sure you look both ways when crossing the road so you don't get hit by a fucking submarine : )

Hope you human beans and having an awesome sunday morning/afternoon/evening/night, depends where the hell you are.

C ya next week!

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