Chapter 32 - Shadow

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Clocks ticked and voices droned on as I continuously clicked my pen against the surface of the blank piece of paper in front of me, attempting and failing to concentrate on the aspects of physics. But my mind always wandered elsewhere.

In the space of my 18 years of living, I had killed two people, and although I moved on from the first, I knew it would be hard to let go of the second. Calum's death was on my hands and every day that he had inflicted some type of pain would be one more day that I regretted our long lost friendship.

I knew it wasn't my fault that he had to go out like that, but I couldn't help but feel and be crushed by the weight of a thousand tonnes on my shoulders. I was responsible for Calum's death and there was no other persuasion that would sway me away from that fact. Mother tries to make me understand, time and time again, that it's not my fault for what happened. But her words go through one ear and come straight out the other.

Another day that Ashley didn't come to school was another day that I had safety from her torments. Although i felt a sense of relief from her absences, I had an overwhelming emotion of anxiety, afraid of what more she was capable of doing. I knew she too blamed me. She hated my guts and would probably carve them out from my skin using only her perfectly manicured fingers.

The bell rang and I was rescued from my subconscious that continued to concoct various scenarios of what Ashley may have in store for me, will we ever cross paths again. I waited and waited until the entire classroom filtered out and then I waited some more.

"Maya, it's time to leave. Don't you want to get home?" The teacher asked, to which I just nodded, not saying a word.

I wanted to wait until the entire school building was empty so I could avoid any run ins with the rest of the students. Ashley and Calum were what one would call "the power couple", who strolled around campus as if they owned the place. Now, with Calum out of the picture it was just Ashley and her cronies. And I knew she was hell bent on revenge.

I learnt now to kept my eyes glued to the floor, afraid that I would crumble under the stares of the other inmates in this prison we call school.

"Calum baby, please come back to me! Please..." Ashley sounded so defeated and there was a small part of my heart that reached out to her. Her tear stained face turned towards me as her blood shot eyes glanced up at me for a split second, sending a devilish glare before she put her lips to his ear.

And she whispered something so faint that I was unable to catch.

I looked around, to make sure it was me that she was glaring at, and not the redhead who had triggered Ashley's anger. But I realised that she had run and was probably long gone....

Michael had called the ambulance which arrived a short while later, flashing lights and deafening sirens all around.

No one was allowed to go alongside Calum to the hospital, considering the fact that neither of us were blood related. Ashley probably was though, may have transferred a couple STDs and whatnot so technically....

The group of now four of us were escorted to school in the back of a police car and I had the unfortunate opportunity of being next to Ashley. I kept glancing back at her cautiously, afraid of her every move, knowing that she blamed me for the fate of Calum.

After a while of silence, she looked at me with a stoic expression and I struggled to control my breathing. My heartbeat was erratic as my heart seemed to pump out of my ribcage. "I'm going to get you for this Maya. You won't be able to breathe without me knowing and then... " She suddenly came so close to me, her lips practically touching my ear. "I'll choke you to death."

She retracted back into her seat and stared off into space, daydreaming even. She had a far off look on her face as if she was deep in thought and from that moment on, I realised that the shadow that follows behind you is not only your own. 

(a/n): little flashback there, and a revelation that ashley is out to get maya. its about to get INTENSE 

this QOTC is: Have you ever been in a situation where you've been wrongly accused of something and you've had to suffer the punishments even though you KNOW that you're innocent? 

My story is pretty stupid lol, but my cousin had accused me of swearing at her, so she lied to my dad and he believed her instead of me. I think it was like 6 years ago and i was such a pussy back then lolololol so i thought my life was over XD 

mainly i wanted to apologise for the lack of updates on tuesday and thursday. I had to get some volunteer work done and it was basically slavery *insert upside down smiley face emoji that i cba to find* but slightly longer chapter so i hope it makes up for that!

anywho, hope you enjoyed and im looking forward to writing the next few updates! see you then xx

Oh and before I forget, I wanted to ask a favour... one of my good friends does this amazing art work and she posts it on instagram, I was wondering IF (only if you want) could you please, pretty please follow her? Her @is rez.aztec 

Thanks so much! ^_^

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