Chapter 58 - Revelations

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A knock at the door halted my thoughts and made me tilt my head up so fast. I felt my breathing increase and I could practically hear my heart beating.

I willed that whoever it was behind the wood would just go away. But they knocked harder and louder each time. I closed my eyes, willing to be left alone.

"Maya? Maya are you in here? Mayaaaaa!" I breathed out for so long in relief at hearing Kathy's voice, singing my name so drunkenly. I ran to unlock the door and ran into Kathy, desperately needing her company.

"Mayyaaaaa!" She sang loudly as if she was starring in an opera.

"Kathryn..." I breathed out, saying her actual name in so long. "Thank god you're here." I whispered, silent tears beginning to roll down my cheeks as I clung to my best friend for life.

"May, where DID you GO?" She shouted, sounding like a mother, reprimanding a child. "I didn't have anyone to share my drink with so I had to finish it off! ALL by MYSELF!" I looked up to see her frown and sighed.

"Don't think I'll be drinking for a while..." I muttered, shaking at the memory of earlier.

"Come now, let's GOOOO!" She yelled, interrupting me as I found myself being dragged behind the drunk girl.

As we neared the stairs, I couldn't help but feel as if something was wrong. Like that weird gut feeling... The house seemed too... quiet.

Was it morning already?

Had everyone left?

I prayed that was true.

But when we reached the end of the stairs, Kathy began to approach the living room that was pitch black for some reason?

"Umm, Kathy, where are yo-" I was cut off by Kathy holding her hand over my mouth.

"Shh, Maya. Wouldn't want to spoil the fun now would you?"

My eyes widened and I turned to run at hearing his voice. But before I had the chance, a pair of arms wrapped tightly around my torso, holding me steadily and firmly in place.

I was so confused. I was too scared.

The pair of arms began to pull me backwards while Kathy's hand remained glued to my mouth.

Why was she silencing me?

What was going on?!

As I was being pulled back, the back of my legs hit a hard surface and I was forced to sit down on a hard, wooden chair. The arms let go and I tried to once again make a break for it. But once again, I was restricted - a rope was being tied around to keep me in place.


Please... Let me go...

I screwed my eyes shut even though the room was pitch black. I tried to shake my head, but my movement was being restricted by Kathy's hand that began to grip tighter.


What are you doing to me?

Her hand was removed and again I tried to do something - scream out, cry, whatever.

But again I was restricted by a piece of duct tape slapping against my lips.


Please... Don't let it happen again...

I'm not strong enough...

"Lights!" All of a sudden I hear Kathy yell.

"Camera!" Luke's voice was right behind me.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 16, 2018 ⏰

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