Chapter 15 - Cold

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"Cold, cold, cold." I muttered over and over, wrapping my arms around my body and shivering, cursing myself for not bringing a jacket. Watching my converse clad feet go one in front of the other, I was too busy staring down at the ground to see where I was going, clumsily bumping into something, or rather, someone.

"Sorry." I mumbled, still in a somewhat salty mood from the events of this moment.

"You should be." I heard a familiar voice say condescendingly, as I looked up and just about screamed. There stood Michael with his newly dyed, purple hair from which a few strands poked out from the beanie. To his side stood Luke, Calum and his wench nowhere to be seen.

I noticed that their eyes were red and they didn't stand still, swaying slightly. I could tell they were most likely intoxicated.

"Bitch get out my way." Michael shoved and as I looked into his eyes I could see that his vision didn't focus, his pupils seemed to roll back every few seconds. I could smell the alcohol on him and it made my nostrils shrivel up in disgust. And I came to the conclusion that they were probably at Ashley's party, seeing as though she threw one every year and it seemed to be the biggest and the best, or so i've heard.

After all, it was still pretty early and it seemed as though they were making their way home. Unfortunately, we all lived pretty close in the same neighbourhood so our meeting was more than likely on a regular basis.

"Ugh what do you want." I was slightly irritated by their presence and the fact that they hadn't left me as of yet.

"Shut the fuck up." Michael jabbed a finger into my chest.

"Fuck off." I said slowly, sounding out each vowel so that his drifting mind between drunkenness and sobriety could understand me.

"Tut tut Maya." Luke spoke finally, but his words switched on a metaphorical light bulb atop my head. Pulling out my phone that was still on the message app, displaying my unresolved conversation with the stranger, I pushed it into his face as he winced from the brightness of the screen.

"Stop stalking me." I cried, narrowing my eyebrows at the blonde haired breadstick. I attempted to look intimidating, standing up straighter, but my stance didn't hold up very long before his hand collided with such force onto my cheek that I stumbled back, my own hand flying up to the stinging sensation on my soon to be red skin.

"Don't insult me, who would want to stalk your sorry ass." He entertained angrily and I felt small compared to him. And that wasn't just because I was shorter than his ridiculously tall height. I fell one step back as I was left even more troubled as to who had went through the bother and trouble of maintaining mystery contact with me in order to make me feel unsafe and insecure by seemingly watching my every move.

"Well I don't know about you, but this bitch needs to be taught a fucking lesson." Michael announced suddenly, making me cower back into myself out of fear as he nudged Luke. gulping, I took a few steps back as they took slow steps towards me. My eyes darted left and right, desperate for a way out, any means of escape. I didn't know where the sudden adrenaline came from that I actually thought I stood a chance.

I turned and ran as far and as fast as I could, the wind slapping against my face and the ever growing layers of snow crunching beneath my feet, seeping through my shoes. Behind me I could hear their screaming voices and thundering boots clashing against the ground.

I was too focussed on watching behind me that I didn't see the lamppost in front of me as I met face first with it which caused me to fall back onto the cold concrete. My head started to spin and my breath was heavy as I panted, my hands flying to my head as I pressed against my thumping skull, nursing it.

"What an idiot." Michael snorted as he and his partner stood over me, their heads blocking the sunlight. "Let's go." His face retorted to one of pure seriousness and it seemed that the short morning run I had him endeavour on, had sobered them up slightly as he took a fistfull of my hair which caused me to scream out in pain.

The streets were empty so there was nobody there to hear or be witness to my screams for help and pleas for them to stop as I was being dragged across the ground by my hair. Luke silenced me, his hand tightly covering my mouth. Michael continued to drag me to wherever while Luke's hand didn't move an inch as I clawed at it, feeling my lungs close up as I was desperate for air.

Almost passing out from a lack of oxygen, I was pushed against the brickwall of an alleyway, the space constrictive and a dead end that spelt no way out. I had no means of escape and I gulped heavily, as they stood much too close to me and blocking the space around.

"Please." I begged, feeling water begin to drip down from my eyes, my mouth twisting into a frown.

"You're so fucking pathetic, shut up!" I tried to fight back the tears, my arms held in front of my body as I tried, but hopelessly failed to defend myself from the countless blows I received that made my body feel completely numb.

And after they had got their fair share of enjoyment out of tormenting me, I was left alone in the isolation of the alleyway, the pristine white of the snow becoming discolored with the red leaking from the wounds that peppered my skin.

And I just lay there shivering, not finding any strength to get up and a million thoughts rushing to my mind, but one being the most prominent.

I felt so cold... and that;s when it came to me 

Number 5: Let the cold freeze my heart 

(a/n): i said i'd update this chapter after a nap, but i ended up falling asleep for like 12+ hours and decided to catch up with work/studying/life etc. sorry!  

but... new cover! what do you think? i saw this picture and i loved it. hope you guys like it too!

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