Chapter 18 - Dead

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(Pre a/n): so I attached a song ^^^^... I wanna introduce you guys to my taste???? In music ya know, spice up your dull dull lives... I'm just joking, but i feel like it adds a bit more depth and context annndddd if you like this one then I might do one for every chapter depending if you guys want me to or not, let me know your opinions and thoughts ok? Do you like it, do you h8 it, do you want more etc etc etc.

"Next." I called out, adjusting the snapback on my head and fixing a fake smile on my face before turning around to serve the next customer. But soon my fake happiness quickly subsided into hatred as my eyes met with the couple.

"Oh look what the cat dragged in." She rolled her eyes, sipping from the straw of her cup as he scoffed upon seeing my unwelcoming face.

"What can I get you both?" I asked through gritted teeth, my eye twitching at Calum and his wench girlfriend.

"Oh no I don't want to be served by you, God knows what your filthy fingers have touched. Mind you, I'd rather not contract a disease." Ashley laughed, to which I resorted to mentally decapitating her, yanking off one perfectly curled eyelash at a time...

I needed a job and desperate I was too. So desperate in fact, that I had decided to take this job at the movie theater, unaware that I would have to deal with pestering children.

Thankful at Ashton for finally developing a love interest, it was Leah who got me a job.

"Look on the bright side, 10 percent off on any movie." She told my reluctant self when I was skeptical at first. Guaranteed it wasn't the best but eh, you gotta do what you gotta do. So that made us 'work buddies', or whatever the hell.

"What flavour popcorn do you want." I returned to the present, and raised an eyebrow at Ashley, choosing to ignore her ridiculousness. "Sweet, salted or butter?" I realised that tolerance was key, seeing as though I didn't want to get fired 45 minutes after I got hired.

And what a great 45 minutes it had been...

"I want it like my girlfriend." Calum said, looking down at Ashley with a loving smile on his face and a loving gaze in his eyes.

How sweet, young love.

It makes me want to throw up...

"Sorry we don't sell ugly popcorn." I smirked, seeing her face contort into one of anger. Before I could retract my comment, i felt a cold liquid drench over me, soaking my hair and face as I gasped in shock. The drink she held in her hand was no longer in her cup, but rather, all over me as I felt the fizzy drink become sticky, my fingers becoming clammy and my clothes sticking to my body. My eyes stung as it hurt to open them, and if I wasn't currently blinded I would punch the bitch in the throat.

Their laughter became distant as I managed to open a single eye to see their retreating figures.

"Maya! What have you done?" Leah shouted from behind me, noticing that I was now currently drenched, not even three minutes after sge left me alone.

Not the best idea...

The smell of cola lingered around. "I was gone for five minutes Maya." She scolded like the older sister I never had.

"Actually it was 3 minutes aaaaannddd 23 seconds." I muttered, looking down at the watch that was wrapped around my wrist.

"I thought I already showed you how to work the soda machine?" She continued, ignoring me and handing me a handful of paper towels while shaking her head.

"No I know how to work them, I just fancied a quick shower under them." I replied sarcastically, peeling the sticky hair off my face and wiping at my eyes. "Shit." I muttered, feeling my eyes burn.

"Go clean yourself up, I'll take over." She sighed as I smiled thankfully and made my way to the restroom.

I don't know what came over me, but I felt like crying suddenly, tears dripping from my eyes and sniffles leaving my nose. I splashed my face with the running water from the faucet, the sad reality of life washing over me too and dragging me down like the discoloured water i watched swirl round and enter the drain, unsure how much was from the soda, my tears or the actual water.

Why does everybody hate me so much? I thought as I stared into the mirror.

You're just a mistake, my reflection screamed back, yet silence coated the walls of the empty room.

"You deserve to die." I heard a voice behind me. I froze in place, every hair on my body standing up, every muscle straightening, every beat of my heart getting faster, every breath becoming more quivering and shallow as the voice was one you only hear hsunting you in your nightmares.

The water flooded from the running tap. I gazed in the mirror. Nothing else stared back except from my empty soul. Yet when I turned, did a true horror reveal itself.

There she stood.

Covered in blood.

Covered in shattered glass that protruded from every inch of her skin.

The middle half of her body crushed flat.

Her eyes rolled up.

Her mouth open.

She looked exactly the same as she did that day.

That day, 3 years ago.

"Hayley?" I breathed out, unable to control my speeding heart rate, my quickened breathing, my shaking hands.

There stood my dead best friend.

"You deserve to die." Her voice was distorted, a noise emitting from her throat like can incarcerated zombie. Yet her mouth didn't move.

"But how?" I ran my hands through my hair, unbelieving what was right in front of me.

My feet carried me forward and my hand instinctively reached out.

And touching nothing.

My hand fazed through her blood coated skin.

A waterfall of tears began to surpass the barrier of my eyes and I chocked out sobs, tasting the saltiness in my mouth. "You're not real." I shook my head, squuzing my eyes shut, my knees hitting the ground.

"You deserve to die." Her voice spoke again.

"You're not real!" I cried out, screaming so hard my lungs hurt.

"You're not real! You're not real! You're not real!" I repeated like a mantra.

"You're dead." I whispered. "You died. I watched you fall. I watched you die." Incoherent mumbles tumbled from my lips.

"I killed you."

(A/N): umm ok so that just happened...

Are you confused/shocked/weirded out/meh

Ok story time real quick
So I don't believe in ghosts or being possessed or any of that paranormal stuff. I thought it was just all in the movie's you know, made up...

And I say "thought" for a reason because recently my mum was telling me a story about her relative who, long story short, is possessed. So she sees... things nobody else sees....
Freaky shittttttt. I'm really tired to type up the story of what happened, but if you guys want me to tell the whole thing leave a comment saying yay or nay and I'll add that to next week's a/n

Which brings me to today's QOTC: what is your opinion of the paranormal, do you believe or nahhhhh?

Have a great week : )

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