Chapter 39 - Noose

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There was a loud rumble overhead that cut through the silence. Raindrops began to fall, ever so slowly that I didn't realise if the water running down my face was the from the rain, or my tears. Both tasted salty anyway.

The funeral had ended long ago, but Ashton and I had remained, sitting at the grave of our dead parents together. I had Kathryn's companionship, but Leah was missing from Ashton's side. For the most part, I had stayed with Kathy for the last 5 days. As soon as I broke down in front of her, she consulted the truth out if me and demanded that I'd be her guest and stay with her, as I was reluctant to return to a dead house.

"Where are you going to go Ashton?" I asked, hiccuping as i watched him stand, his eyes never leaving our mother's grave.

"See you soon." Was all he said, before leaving without another word, without another glance. The sky rumbled once again, only louder this time as rain began to fall faster, and heavier.

"Maya?" Kathryn softly put her hand on my shoulder. "I think it's time to go hun." She said quietly, bending down and reaching for my hand. I let her pick me up and it was then that I realised I just needed someone there to pick me up. I just needed someone to help me stand again, on my own two feet.

"Thanks Kathy." I smiled to my friend, a familiar face.

I followed Kathy to her car but felt a rumble from my pocket. The vibration from my phone alerted me of a message. I had hoped it'd be Ashton texting me. I wanted him to say something... anything... But I was disappointed when the caller ID showed up as "unknown". The familiar words that were printed on my screen made me halt in my tracks.

"See you soon"

Wait, wasn't that what Ashton said to me, just before he left? But if this was Ashton, why was he not appearing as what I have him saved as? Maybe he could've used a different phone? But whose? And why would he go through so much trouble, all these months?

No, it couldn't be him.

Could it?

It didn't make any sense...

"Maya!" I jumped as Kathryn slammed her hands on my shoulders.

"Huh, who? What?" I rambled, incoherently.

"Come on, you're getting soaked! I've been calling your name for so long!" She yelled over the rumbling rain, pulling me to her car while I tumbled behind.

For the past few hours I sat alone in Kathy's guest room, staring at my phone. It was turned off so all I could see was my reflection staring back at me. I pulled the scarf wrapped around my neck closer, covering my mouth and nose and breathing deeply. Everything seemed to happen so fast...

People close to me dying one by one.

Is it bad that I wanted to join them?

A yawn escaped my lips and I rubbed my eyes. I pulled off the scarf from my neck, allowing the cold to rush over my warm skin. After hanging up my clothes, I lay down in bed and began to drift. I looked at the scarf that was hanging on the side of a drawer and imagined a noose.

Number 13: A noose would make a pretty necklace





i will not be able to do sunday updates any longer, but i will update whenever i can. therfore, i request your patience. please do bear with me ok? I will try my hardest to write when i can and update as soon as. 

Thanks so much for everything guys! This book has gone further than i couldve imagined and there's still so much that i have planned for this! But it will all come in due time :)

I'll try not to take longer than a week between updates but please do be patient and ready for random updates 

This QOTC is: Given what happened in this chapter, do you reconsider who the unknown number could be? or do you stick with your original? 

until the next time i update, sayonara!   

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