Chapter 38 - Resent

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"Thank you." Ashton replied with a motionless expression as he led me outside the police department.

"Ashton, I -" Before I could speak, Ashton had embraced me in a tight hug.

"At least you're safe." He whispered and I could feel him shaking. He pulled away and quickly hid his face, but before he could fully turn, I watched as a tear ran down his cheek.

The car ride back was a silent one as I contemplated what would happen next. I was taken into custody after I told the authorities what had happened. For shooting a citizen, although he was my asshole of a father, I could've faced a long sentence seeing as though I was 18 and not, in fact, a minor. I argued my case as self-defense and therefore I was put on bail for an unruly amount. Ashton rushed to the police department after receiving the call and his face when he saw me in that holding cell was... indescribable.

After I told him what had happened, it was noticeable that he had tried to hide his tears as he bit the inside of his cheek and constantly tried to look up in order to avoid my eyes.

The truth of the matter was, we were orphans and nothing could change that. Neither of us could return home because of the dead bodies we knew lay there. And by the time we did get home, flashing police lights lit up the night as ambulances and police rovers swarmed the street.

"What now?" I asked, my voice hoarse.

Ashton hadn't spoken a word as of yet and he wasn't going about breaking that now as I received a shrug of his shoulders.

I pulled out my phone but realised that it had died on me. As I plugged it into the charger of Ashton's car, I remembered the text I received earlier...

I debated on whether or not I should show Ashton, but when I turned over to face him, his head was buried in his hands that gripped hard and tight onto the steering wheel.

"Ashton?" I asked in a meek voice, somewhat afraid as his emotions to me remained unknown. Did he resent me for killing father? Was he relieved?

He didn't respond.

My phone screen lit up as it regained some life and I saw a message pop up in my notifications bar. Somewhat scared of who it may be from, or what it said, I was hesitant. But when I saw the ID read Kathryn's name, I immediately opened it.

"We need to talk." Was all it read.

Talk? About what?

I saw that it was sent not too long ago so I thought I'd better go pay her a visit.

"Ash... Umm, I'm gonna go visit Kathy ok? She said she needs to talk to me about something... so... yeah." I said awkwardly, showing him the message. I sighed as he didn't budge an inch and got out the car, proceeding to walk towards her house. Before I left, I glanced at my brother and my heart sank as he saw him begin to cry.

"What was so important Kath?" I said to my friend as she led me up to her bedroom. I rubbed my eyes and yawned.

"What's up with you? You're unusually tired today." She noted and I gulped, unsure of whether or not I should tell her.

"I'm fine." I shrugged, deciding against letting everything out. I didn't want to burden her with my sob story after all.

"Alright." She replied, rubbing my back. "I'm here for you, you know?" She offered a smile, but I felt too crushed to muster one back.

"What's up?" I changed the subject, sitting down as did she.

"Ok so I did some digging and spoke to some people and... you know that rehead that Calum was cheating on Ashley with? Turns out she's naturally blonde, so that explains her natural hoe nature."

I looked at Kathy for a long time, squinting my eyes at the girl. "You can't be serious and tell me that's ALL you wanted to tell me you-"

"Shush Maya of course not." She laughed at my stoic expression. "But really, her name is Leah and it turns out..." She paused, looking at me more seriously than before before leaning in and whispering the final 7 words that made me snap.

"she was playing your brother all along." 

(A/n): y every1 gotta b a hoe?

anyway, so maya killed her father and witnessed teh death of mom so today's QOTC will be: 

Have you ever done anything so bad that you can't come back from and you think of it so much that it eats away at you? 

I don't think ive done something too bad, unless you can't stealing a lollipop from a supermarket when i was like 6 

but anyway, let me know your thoughts and i'll see you guys in the next chapter! 

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