Chapter 19 - Accident

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(Pre a/n): hope you enjoy this song ^^^it one of my favourites! Enjoy the chapter!

I sat on the pavement, staring down at the tarmac, watching my fingers tangle together, shaking and shivering as I reminisced over my paranormal encounter the other day while waiting for the bus to arrive and take me to hell. As it came to a halt, metres beside me, I contemplated laying down on the road in front of it and waiting for it to continue its journey.

Taking a deep breath, my actions contrasted my intentions as I dragged myself onto the vehicle, looking around for an empty seat. Fortunately there was a single one near the back, but contrary to my luck, the bright, freshly dyed hair in the seat beside made me want to walk the few miles to school.

Yawning for the umpteenth time this morning, I hauled my backpack which contained unfinished homework and untouched essays and forgotten assignments, over my shoulder and swallowed my fears, seating myself next to a half asleep Michael Clifford whose face was pressed against the window as I noticed him stifle a yawn.

Guess I wasn't the only one troubled by insomnia...

"Ugh." He muttered, a distinct look of disgust on his face as he scrunched up his nose at my clearly disturbing presence.

My ass was half off the seat but i felt as though even that was too close for his liking, but before I got the chance to shuffle further away from the pink headed boy, the bus swerved harshly to the right, unfortunately making me fall... straight onto Michael's lap.... my hand landing in the complete wrong area...

"Bitch what the fuck?!" He screeched in anger, most likely catching the attention of all other occupants as I mentally facepalmed a million times over.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." I apologised profusely, accidentally pressing harder on his crotch as I tried to push myself up, the extensive contents of my bag weighing my tiny frame down. Before I knew what was happening, he pushed me off of himself, causing me to land flat on my backside on the floor as my eyes narrowed on the boy who seemed to gulp, his hand covering... down 'there'.

And I swear in that moment I had never felt so awkward before in all my life. My eyes widened and I felt my cheeks burn a thousand degrees hotter as they tinted a bright shade of red, looking around myself and seeing all eyes on us two. I was blinded by a sudden flash, white dots appearing behind my eyelids as I blinked rapidly, seeing Luke snickering behind his phone that was faced towards us.

"Jesus Christ Michael, how sexually deprived are you that you got a hard on from... her?" The blonde idiot couldn't control himself and burst into laughter, wiping away fake tears from his blue eyes.

Without saying a word, Michael flipped off his friend, stepping over me and crushing my fingers with his boot in the process.

"You fuCKING AVACADO!" I yelled in pain, my brain processing my weird choice of words while I cradling my squished fingers as a string of muttered profanities left my lips, a smirk on the asshole's face as he got off the bus. It's like my brain had no filter when it came to anger and id just spew incoherent bullshit.

I whimpered silently to myself, hearing Luke say something (probably idiotic as usual) beside me somewhere, laughing again and seeing him tap on his phone a few times. I pondered getting up and bitch slapping him, before composing myself, deciding it best not to make a bigger deal and attracting more attention to myself than I already had.

Reason 235557882 why I refuse to travel via public transport.

Thankfully the remainder of the bus ride to school was without any other unneeded drama, and I hoped that the same could be said about the remainder of my day...

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