Chapter 20 - Stab

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"So as you know for the remainder of this term, your assigned partners are the ones you will complete projects, assignments and experiments with." The professor announced as collective sighs of destroyed hopes were synchronised, as he was profusely against choosing our own partners considering the fact that if requests were actually adhered to, work would be minimal.

I could give less of a shit of who I would be paired up with, but when the list of names that the professor called out grew progressively shorter and shorter, I began to grow anxious as Luke's, Calum's, Michael's and my own name had not been called out yet.

"Luke and Keira, Calum and Gabriel, and finally..." He paused before reading the last two, my leg shaking as if I was standing at the epicentre of an earthquake as I mumbled a string of incoherent "Shit, shit, shits" to myself, knowing very well what was to come but praying for the opposite somehow as i watched the professor adjust the glasses that were inches away from falling off his nose, much like me on the cliff of sanity, as he announced the final two names.

"Michael and Maya." I fucking lost it at that point, my arm subconsciously acting like a windshield wiper and scattering the objects on the table onto the floor.

Probably not the best thing to do considering the fact that i just messed up my organised, colour coded notes that now resembled a rainbow on the floor, a glass beaker cracking and shattering in the process as it landed on the vinyl, all eyes turning to meet me. "Maya!" He screeched, surprised and angered at my pissed off outburst. "You will pick up every single piece and I will see you here later after school for a detention!" My eye twitched at that, my arms crossing over my chest as the pin drop silence only increased the tension levels in the chemistry lab.

"I will have a word with you later and as for the rest of you," He continued, eyeing the other students whose attention was focused solely on me and my tantrum. "You will open your handouts and conduct the experiment to test the reliability of the scientist's claim that the concentration of the analyte has a titration volume of approximately 20 to 25 centimetre cubed." Normally me and my nerdy self would be the first one to jump right in and be the first to delve into the depths of chemistry that I shared a strong bond with, but considering my current situation, preparing a standard solution was the last thing I wanted to do with the smurf.

But sucking it up and silently cursing at the idiotic professor for pairing myself and Gordon together, I reluctantly put one converse clad foot in front of the other and made my way to the bench that his annoying ass was currently occupying.

"Let's get this over with." I sighed, seeing a glare in his eye from the corner of mine.

"God I hate you." He mumbled to me, a humourless laugh tumbling from my lips.

"Honey I wouldn't willingly want to spend a second longer than I already am forced to with you." I shook my head, my cheeks heating up lightly as my brain decided to revert to the embarrassing memory that took place in the early hours of the day.

Like a romantically cliche movie we both reached for the handout in front of us, our fingers touching as something tingled somewhere deep in the pit of my stomach.


"Don't fucking touch me slut." He grimaced as I did the same, scoffing at him and turning my head away from the walking disease only to be met with the glances of other students who watched us with clearly nothing better to do, hawk eyes staring to see the 'sexually deprived teenage boy' and the piece of trash next to him, aka me.

"What the fuck?" I heard being whispered beside me as I turned my attention back to what I was supposed to be doing.

"What now?" I asked, observing the apparatus in front of me and having an exact idea of what to do prior to looking at the instructions.

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