Chapter 56 - Camera

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"HEYYY!" I cheered, watching as the vodka bottle pointed towards me. The simplest thing seemed to bring me the most excitement. I was flat out drunk to the point that I couldn't tell the difference between my left and right. Pretty sure I was on my 48th cup by now... I was sat in a circle with Luke and Michael on either side of me while Kathy was sat opposite. There were a few others that filled up the gaps in between. I didn't even know what game they were playing, but Luke insisted that I join him in his endeavour. The rules were explained but I didn't pay attention to them. I observed a few turns before I had the opportunity to play, but it seemed I had forgotten what the objective of the game was.

"Aaaannnndddd, your partner is... Luke!" Kathy shouted while the rest of the teenagers cheered. I sat there smiling, my body rocking slightly, back and forth, side to side as I was lost in my own world. All of a sudden, I felt a hand on my arm and I looked at Luke. He put two fingers under my chin, forcing me to look up at him. He came closer and closer to my face. Before I could comprehend what was happening, his lips touched mine gently and my eyes widened.

What the hell was he doing?

"AYYYYY." The hyper teenagers cheered after he pulled back.

Oh yeah. That's what this game was... You kiss whoever else the bottle lands on.

After sobering up slightly, I didn't want to play anymore...

I stood up but teetered backwards and almost fell on my ass, but a hand gripped my arm. I looked up and saw Luke holding me, a small smile on his face.

What was his deal?

Clearly I needed more alcohol in my system. I enjoyed the feeling of feeling nothing and I craved more of it. I made my way to the kitchen and poured whatever liquid I could find into my mouth. My head was dizzy and I felt like the noise around me was blurring out. I stumbled, losing the ability to find my footing. I slammed my hands down onto the table, leaning my weight on my arms and closed my eyes. I took a few deep breaths, letting the alcohol drain into me.

I knew I'd have one killer of a headache the moment I woke up but I wasn't planning to sleep.

'Let loose once in a while' Luke's words were what I held onto as justification for tonight. But the alcohol just wasn't enough... I needed something more.

"Hey, Maya, are you alright there?" I heard Luke ask.

"More. I need more..." I whispered. I tried to open my eyes but all I could see were shapes and colours in front of me. Like when you stand up too suddenly and start drifting into the 7th dimension. "Give me more." I repeated, facing Luke and practically falling onto him.

"Are you sure you haven't had enough?" He laughed. I felt him turn around and then I felt my feet lift from the ground. I could only assume that he was carrying me on his back. The noise became less and less as I felt Luke walk up a set of stairs. He led me into a room and sat me down onto what I assumed was a bed.

I tried to stand up but ended up falling onto the floor.

"Idiot, just sit still." He laughed again at me, holding me up, but this time he lay me down. "What will I do to you?" He said, his voice lowering considerably.

"Hmm." I mumbled in reply, too tired to speak. I heard some clattering but I wasn't bothered to roll over and observe him.

"You just sit still." He repeated, to which I mumbled again. A yawn escaped my mouth and for some reason I felt too tired to move. My body weight felt ten times as much as before and it was like I was cemented to the bed. I was completely numb and no matter how much I wanted to move my limbs, I just couldn't for some reason.

"Hmm." I could barely talk. I wanted to ask Luke what was going on. I wanted to get up. I didn't want to be here any longer. I wanted to move. It was as if my lips were locked together and all I could do was murmur. They felt swollen, like after you're stung by a bee.

"Hmm." I tried again.

I felt the bed dip as Luke sat down. A laugh escaped his lips and I watched him extend over and grip my arm. I felt my arm suspend from something and I knew what he was doing.

He was tying my hands to the bed posts.

My heart was working in overdrive, pumping so hard and so fast I feared it would beat right through my ribcage.

Shit. Fuck. Shit.

After he was finished tying my hands, I felt him move to my feet.

I sobered up faster than I think was humanly possible. I struggled to move my limbs. I struggled to move at all. I needed to get out. I needed to get out fast.

My eyes darted here and there but there was nothing I could do.

"Enjoyed your alcohol?" Luke asked. I stared up at him and saw nothing but a sick and twisted smile across his face.

He looked like a sadistic psychopath.

"And here we have a helpless, self centred slut who comes crying to the first guy she sees." Luke laughed again, but this time it sounded more like a cackle. I tried to figure out who he was talking to and when I looked to my left, I saw a camera.

Is this what he was planning all along?

The last finishing touch was a piece of duct tape that he slapped across my lips.

"Hmm! HMM!" No! NO! DON'T, I yelled inside my head - but no words came out.

As soon as I felt my jeans being pulled down and Luke's cold hands on my bare thighs, I knew what was coming.

I tried to scream for someone, anyone to help me.




(a/n): told you i'd be regular with the chapters  

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