Chapter 28 - Forest

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I rolled my eyes in an over dramatic manner as Ashley screamed for the umpteenth time after getting her heel stuck in the wet mud once again. I thought i heard her say something, but i excused the sound as if it were the source of an annoying mosquito.

Continuing to walk and trek ahead of her, my eyes were concentrated on the compass held tightly within my grip as I felt like Captain Jack Sparrow. We had discarded of the map long ago (a decision made by Queen Bee of course) when she decided that the flimsy material took up too much space in her bag and she simply wasn't bothered to hold it. So, against my protests, she had thrown the map behind her and before i could catch it, it had been blown away by the light wind and fallen into the lake that streamed beside the walk-way.

All we had now was a compass, an experienced intellect, a whiny bitch and a whole lotta hope that we were going in the right direction as opposed to getting lost.

And I'm sure you could guess who was what...

So far I had done a good job at ignoring the grunts and groans behind me, but when I felt a sharp object collide with my spine, I was sent thrown to the floor, face first, at the sheer force. Beside me, I saw Ashley's heeled shoe that she practically tried to stab me with.

"What the fuck?" I questioned angrily, standing and kicking the object away from me.

"I said I need help!" She yelled at me and I attempted to suppress my laughter at the sight of Ashley who was ankle deep, stuck in the mud. And by that, I mean she was both literally and metaphorically, stuck in deep shit.

"And how do you suppose I am to assist you?" I giggled, finding the sight very entertaining.

"Shut up and just grab my arm you bitch!" She panicked, flailing her arms about as if she was drowning.

"Calm down, Jesus..." I muttered, clearing my throat and proceeding to grab hold of her. "On three, I'm going to pull you ok?" I said reassuringly, but I felt somewhat mischievous...

"One... Three!" I yanked at her arm and could not contain myself any longer as she fell face flat into the mud, clearly unready for my sudden movements. I had not felt such peace in my heart until I had tasted the sweet goodness of revenge. By now, I was on the floor, my sides aching and my cheeks hurting as I had never laughed so hard in such a long time. The overhead sunlight was blocked moments later as Ashley stood above me, her perfect figure looking very much imperfect as she was covered in brown sludge.

A drop of the stuff landed on my face and I groaned in disgust, rolling over and standing up. I didn't dare spare one look at mud face as I bent down towards the lake, scooping up some water and washing the mud away before it got a chance to dry up.

I was about to stand up, but before I knew what was happening, I screamed as I tumbled off the bank and fell into the river, grazing my knee against the rocks that littered the sides. Now it was Ashley's turn to laugh as I felt a pain in my backside from where she kicked me into the water.

"You bitch." I shook my head, knowing that I deserved it and laughed lightly to myself before realising that this was probably the first time that we laughed. Together.

I climbed out of the water that had a tinge of brown and red, both from the mud and the blood that trickled down my leg. My clothes were soaked in water while Ashley was covered in shit, but I walked onward knowing that the beating sun would dry me up.

I had been following North all this time after waiting for Ashley to clean herself up in the lake, yet I grew slightly anxious when the small needle head pointed into a more shaded foliage. The tall trees were enough to block out the overhead sunlight. The forest floor looked a pitch black while the small gaps in the canopy leaves allowed us some sort of light that was enough to enable us to see at least three feet ahead.

"Whoa, wait where the hell are you taking me? I'm not going in there!" I jumped slightly as her voice rang behind me, the screeching sound cutting through the silence and scaring away the crows. Branches shook as they flew away, the sound of rustling leaves serving as the only remnant that they were there.

I was about to turn back and abandon this whole "adventurous trip" when I saw Ashley's terrified face. She looked as though she would be shitting bricks all night if she so much as took a single step into the depths of the woods that lay ahead. A mischievous smirk settled on my lips as my soaked clothes made me think to myself. What a perfect way to get back at her...

"Come on then, stop being such a pussy!" I grinned, turning around to face her and walking backwards slowly, beckoning her forward. I watched her cross her arms across her chest, standing her ground while I shrugged. "Shouldn't have thrown the map away shouldn't you?" I continued, never failing to take advantage of the fact every chance I got. "Think about it, you're out there, painfully lost without a compass to guide you, while I'm here and I know exactly where I'm going." I persuaded, feeling very much like an embodiment of the little devil that sits on your shoulder and whispers into your ears.

She had opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by voices that called behind her.

"Ashley, Maya!" I groaned in frustration, annoyed that Luke and Michael had decided that now was the perfect time to stumble towards us, just when I was about to make Ashley follow my orders.

"Oh, what." I growled, my eyelid twitching at them both.

"Where are you going?" Luke asked, panting for air as he tried to regain his breathing.

"North." I said, pointing behind me towards the dark forest.

"Why are you following the compass into... there?" Michael questioned as he seemed slightly anxious also.

"Because Michael, someone decided to throw away our map so we had no choice but to say "fuck it" and follow this little thing" I signalled to the trusty compass in my hand, holding it tightly, afraid that Ashley would probably throw that away too.

"Makes sense, Michael threw ours away because he wasn't bothered holding it." Luke wondered aloud, making me roll my eyes as I had heard that before.

"Sounds familiar, God, you two are made for each other..." I muttered, my pupils glancing from Michael and then to Ashley. "Well, come on then." I said, breaking the silence as it settled in and preventing it from becoming awkward.

"But -"

"Stop being a little bitch and let's go!" I interrupted Michael before he was able to follow his train of thought.

There was no other way. It was either go back to where we came from, or go forward and venture into the dark.

YOLO right?


What would you choose?

OK hear me out right. I know most would probably play it safe and go back but... come on man, you gotta live a little....

Anyway, apologies for not uploading yesterday btw... I had writer's block :/  but I think I like the way this chapter turned out...

And i have sorted out a feasible update schedule.

So uploads will beeeeee



And Sunday

Now, I'm hoping I can stick to this schedule, but updates will most likely be shorter because they are so regular.

But I do have... something... planned hehe, for next chapter... hehehehe

It will break your little hearts hehe

So this QOTC IS....


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