Chapter 33 - Vendetta

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I felt as though I was at gunpoint, finding it hard to breathe but panting heavily all the same.

Her pointed finger stabbed the space between my eyes as her arm pushed harder against my throat, constricting my airways more and more. Her weight pushed against my frail body, as if I would mould into the wall any second.

"Bet you missed me huh Maya? Thought you had some solitude in my absence? Thought you'd be in the clear after what you did?" I knew she was referring to the late Asian. The missing presence of the star of the school was sorely missed as the principal had organised a memorial for the deceased boy, hanging up his picture, equipment and achievements in a crystal glass case at the entrance of the school for all to marvel at.

Naturally you were never treated less than royalty for being a kiss ass.

"You might think everything is fine. You might think everything's playing out alright. But I'll be there when you least expect it. I'll be right there around the corner... watching and waiting for you to beg me for mercy to end your suffering. Another day you open your eyes is another day you'll wish you were dead. Watch out for me Irwin. Because I'm out to get you." These were the simple words that were whispered to me. These were the simple words that became ingrained in the crevasses of my mind. And these were the words that would haunt me with each passing second.

The bell rang loudly and Ashley pushed herself away from me, picking up her bag that lay on the floor of the janitorial room, leaving me grasped onto my neck and coughing frantically for air. Being in the face of death changes a person. Ashley was a habitual bitch, meaning she'd adapt to her surroundings and treat those she deemed below her like crap. But after Calum's passing, something snapped. It looked as though she was out for more than revenge for her lover's unfortuante fate. She was out for vengence, redemption.... A vendetta.

Keeping your head down does wonders, but it can only take you so far.

"Did you hear about the redhead that Calum was supposedly keeping as a side chick?" Kathryn joined me in the library as I peeked up at her from the top of my glasses, my face nuzzled into a book.

"Kathy, you must know by now that I don't very much care for the affairs of those that don't concern me." I muttered before turning to the next page of the novel. Wuthering Heights was a marvelous ordeal and the revenge filled story made me think of my own circumstances.

"It turns out her name was Leah and-"

That took my attention immediately...

"Did you say Leah?" That name sounded familiar...

Isn't she... Ashton's girlfriend?

No... that Leah is brunette. This one was redhead.

"Yeah why?" Kathryn asked, slowly taking a bite from her sandwich.

"Nevermind." I shook my head, dismissing my thoughts as a dumb conspiracy.

Still... I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more than the eye could see

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