Chapter 49 - Familiar

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The sun had set below the horizon and the dark forest became even darker. The only light that accompanied my loneliness was the dim light of my phone screen that I sat wiping after retrieving it. I found it lying next to the base of a tall tree, the screen cracked slightly after I threw it. Surprisingly I had some battery left considering the fact that I had been in this woodland for what felt like forever. My back was leaned against the bark of a tree and my legs were stretched, somewhat buried beneath the leaves.

I sat there thinking... thinking about what was to become of me now.

But one thing was for sure, I wasn't going back...

"Maya?" I heard a voice whisper and I felt a tapping on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and looked around, unfamiliar of my surroundings and feeling quite drowsy.

"Who, what?" I croaked, my voice hoarse and my throat dry.

"Maya, Maya is that you?" The voice became clearer and as I rubbed my eyes, adjusting to the light, I saw a familiar face in front of me.

"Reese?" I questioned, feeling so confused as to why the brother of my dead best friend was stood in front of me.

"Maya, what the hell, you look like shit!" He cried, a happiness in his voice as all of sudden he threw his arms around me in a tight embrace.

"Reese, what, what are you doing here?" I questioned, hugging him back and leaning my forehead against his shoulder. It felt nice to see a familiar face....

"I come here every week to see dad." He said softly, referring to the graveyard beyond the forest.

Reese and Hayley were twins, Hayley being the younger, however their mother passed shortly after their birth. That left their father to care for them alone, a loving father much unlike my own...

"Forget about me, what happened to you?" He asked, looking me over and shaking his head.

"I, I don't know..." I whispered, burying my head in my hands.

"You can tell me later, but for now we need to get you home." He smiled, not giving me much of a choice. I didn't want to return, but I didn't have the strength in me to refuse.

"So, what's up?" Reese asked, staring intently into my eyes. I took a sip of the hot coffee he freshly prepared, wrapping my hands around the warm mug. The heat steamed up my glasses as I relaxed in the booth of the empty ice cream shop.

"I, I..." I wanted to tell him, but I didn't know how. Instead I pulled out my phone and went straight to the list of messages from the unknown number, presenting it to Reese. He scrolled through, his eyes contorting into a look of confusion.

"Do you know who it's from?" He asked after returning my phone back to me. I shook my head, no, sliding my phone back into my pocket and setting both hands around the mug again. "Damn, why didn't you tell me when it started Maya?" He continued, his voice soft.

"I didn't want anyone to know." I answered sternly, never taking my eyes off the table, never making eye contact.

"Look at you Maya. I swear you can talk to me, I swear I'd be there to listen." He promised, and I could practically hear the truthfulness in his voice.

I took a deep breath, and without a doubt, I told him everything.

And after I finished, he joined me on my side of the booth, his arms wrapped tightly around my shaking body as all I could seem to do was cry.

"Maya I want to help you, more than anything in the world, but you need to go to the police about him." He spoke, referring to my tormenter.

"No! No, I won't, please!" I yelled, looking into Reese's eyes beggingly.

"Look at you Maya!" He repeated, "you need to do something, or I will." Although he didn't sound angry, it sounded like a threat.

"Fine, fine, I will, please just... Just, please." I stuttered, hiccuping as I tried to regain my breathing. "I'll find out who it is." I whispered, wiping my nose on the sleeve of my cardigan.

And in that moment, I knew there was a certain someone I could ask. 

(a/n): look who's back, back again...

so i thought i'd leave out teh bit  about exactly what she tells reese bc itd be boring reading a summary of everything tahts happened sooooooo

anyway, this qotc is: who is maya going to speak to next? who would know about the mystery stalker's identity? I mentioned something in previous chapters but were you paying attention??? 

we'll soon see!

c ya next friday, and have a gr8 week! :)

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