Chapter 21 - Acid

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(Song literally has no connection to the chapter but everyone needs something chill to listen to, so I am here to recommend ^^^^^^^ enjoy, my children)

"And not only does that account for the petty behaviour between you two, you both will be spending the entirety of your break times, free periods and lunch doing extra curricular classes along with janitorial work for the remainder of the month!" Of course I had no interest in the words of the principal as she dished out punishments that I had to suffer through, however the fact that she mentioned "both" perked my ears right up.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait." I sat up straighter, my hands waving in front of me as I laughed a fake laugh. "I'm not doing anything with him." I nodded towards the boy beside me who held a wet cloth to his neck, red staining the white material as I smirked to myself, seeing a wince on his punchable face.

"Oh yes you will, i will not stand for any of this and this school prides itself on behaviour, which is why we will not tolerate anything opposite to what is expected. You will have to face the consequences of your actions." She leaned back in her chair, propping her arms on the table and dead panning the bullshit facts. "What happened to you Maya?" She asked after a while, standing up and facing the window that was behind her, hands behind her back and peering out as if deep in thought. And that was my cue to which I let my eyes roll in their sockets, unsurprisingly never rolling out. "You used to be one of the top students." She shook her head, eyeing me once like the piece of rotting trash I was in front of her before turning back around so that her back was facing us.

"Teacher's pet." I heard a snigger enter the right side of my ear to which my right foot instinctively took action and kicked his leg under the table with as much force as I could muster. The table shook and the principal turned her head suspiciously as I trained my line of vision on anything but to meet hers. "I expect our arrangement to start tomorrow and I trust that any repeats will be surely avoided. Miss Irwin and Mr Clifford, you are dismissed." She motioned for us to leave to which I gladly abided to, hearing the bell ring and slinging my bag across my shoulder, strolling slowly through the halls of the hell hole towards a classroom I had never step foot in.


And what a glorious three hour detention it would be.

"Fucking kiss ass." Michael said close to my ear, still going off and never stopping about my previously perfect reputation that was now beginning to soil. It's crazy how time changes you. They say time heals all wounds, but I still had one that was growing deeper and darker each day. And I had been adding to that collection. Each cigarette I found myself smoking each day implemented another mark on my skin.

"Fucking prick." I replied back to the period blood stained head, taking a random seat in the middle of the viciously loud detention room, filled with your average punks who smoked cheap weed in the abandoned parts of the school grounds, vandalisers who graffitied school walls with meaningless words and others who deemed themselves higher than school boundaries.

So for a someone like me, who was often blessed (note the sarcasm) with an untainted label of nerd, four eyes, geek and teacher's kiss ass, it was obvious that I was completely out of place in this new environment as all raucous shouting switched to silence, unwanted attention channelled on me.

"Does she know she's not in the right room?"

"Hey bitch, science is that way!"

"What are you going to do, solve equations?"

Laughter burned my eardrums as I contemplated how ridiculously unfunny their sense of humour was, countless insults that I wished I was deaf to being thrown my way that even the teacher, who would be supervising, walked in with a confused expression.

"Maya, can I help you?" He asked, taking a seat at the front.

"Nope Mr Phillip, I'm here for detention. Please, i mean this with all due respect, withdraw any comments about my presence in the wrong after school class." I requested, knowing that he probably expected me to be in the library after school, cramming today's notes and lectures into my hippocampus.

I looked continuously at the clock, each hand movement slower than the last, teasingly haunting me and seemingly moving time backwards as opposed to the norm. I tried hard to control my staggered breathing as I drew into myself, breathing heavily as I felt all sorts hit me from everywhere.

Breathe in.

Pencils and pens being flung at me and colliding with me, ink stains imprinting on the white uniform.

Breathe out.

Paper balls being tossed at me from any direction and hitting the floor as it became harder and harder to ignore.

Instead I concentrated on anything else. Pulling my sleeves up slightly, i ran my fingers over the black scarred marks from flaming cigarette butts, as I itched for one to be in my mouth so I could inhale the cancer and exhale the stress.

The pain in my hand didn't help either, as my skin burned every time I moved a centimetre. I looked back at the dickhead who was also burrowed into himself, much like myself as other students around surrounded him in jeers.

As much as it pains to to even bear the thought... I felt a tug on my heart strings as I saw the boy shrink away from the crowd.

We were two different people from different upbringings, but I guess that's what made us the closest of friends one day

And in that moment I realised that although we were different, we were both broken.

The nurse did as best as she could to sterilize both our wounds and bandaged them, but I must have stabbed him harder than I thought as he continuously changed the cloth he held to it, his head drooped down as it stared at the scratched up and ruined desk.

Like me.

Like us.

I deserved what I got.

The only thing I didn't deserve was to live.

And one self deprecating thought came after another as I stared at my bandage covered hand. 

Number 9: Bathe in acid until my insides dissolved.

(A/n): hell oh
They should make a cereal like cheerios and call it hell ohs to serve at the school cafeterias n all

Well this chapter was pure horse shite

M sorry you had to waste your life reading that corny poop.

But (I hope) this will get better! I actually do have plllleeeeennnnnnttttttyyyyyyy of ideas for this book and if you guys believe in me and have Faith in this book of mine then I can guarantee you a rollercoaster of fucked up shit.

Anyway how have you all been?

Ik I've said this countless times, but I reaalllltyyy am sorry! Genuine apologies ppl, but I'm a very busy piece of shit with other ppl in life who don't understand that I actually HAVE a life...

Does that make sense?

No, of course not, but this is my 1:04 am self talking sooooooooooo

Tbh I was supposed to be revising today but I felt like procrastinating like the teenager I am and spent the entirety of today watching YouTube videos...

... WHICH brings me to today's QOTC: Who are your favourite YouTubers?
Mine areeeeeee:
Aaaaaaannnnnnnddddddd nigahiga

I love you (yes person sitting there right now who actually bothered reading that long ass a/n) like I love youtubers

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