Chapter 26 - Burn

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(A/N): hi, if you could read the an at the end, it would explain my lateness thanx :)

I woke up the next morning with a heart attack as my nose was a millimetre from touching Luke's. It felt hot. Too hot as I realised his arm was slung lazily around my waist, my breathing picking up noticeably. I rolled over in an attempt at putting some space between us, but much to my dismay, I fell back onto the wooden floarboads. The crashing sound resonating throughout, pprobably the entire universe as I cringed in pain that my poor spine was met with, Luke tumbling along with me.

"Oh shit!" I exclaimed, remembering that I didn't lock my door the night before, just as I heard rushing footsteps, watching the doorknob turn and praying to sweet Jesus that I would at least die a quick death.

"Maya, are you - what the fuck?!" My mother screamed as she was met with the sight of the teenagers sprawled out on the floor in a rather uncompromising position amongst the blankets. I looked up at Luke who had fallen on top of me, who was equally half asleep, then back to my mother whose face was contorted into one of confusion and... anger.

"Mom it's not what -" I was cut off by mother widening her eyes and pointing with her thumb, signalling behind her.

"Luke honey, make yourself at home, wait for me in the kitchen and I'll make you some breakfast." She smiled sweetly to the flat haired blonde as he silently obeyed, nodding and walking away, leaving me to bear the brunt.

"Umm I -" I prepared myself to relate last night's antics to my mother, mentally embracing the inevitable loss of priorities, threats, curses and yells, but like before, i was cut off.

"Maya I know it must be hard to deal with everything, the sudden return of your father, Ashton, school, exams and stress, but you can't go sleeping around! And with Luke?!" I physically facepalmed I think, a hundred times at her words.

"Mom it's not like that!" I countered, groaning as she crossed her arms, a visible look of a sarcastic 'yes I'm sure it's not' painted on her features. "Please, just listen." I begged, holding my hands up in surrender while she rolled her eyes, very unpleased that I was wasting her time.

"You're grounded Maya Irwin." She said, walking away, the door crashing behind her as I was left alone in the safety of my room. My hands found themselves tangled in the rat's nest I called my hair as I tugged. Grabbing the pillow near my leg, i screamed into it, the soft material capturing my annoyance.

After wallowing in my self pity for a solid 2.86 seconds, i pulled myself up and dragged my body towards the bathroom, staring at the dead girl in the mirror. God, i didn't even know what I was anymore.

Making my way down the stairs, i was met with a sight that I had never seen before.

Both my parents, Ashton and Luke sitting together at the dinner table, talking. There were no screaming matches, no insults thrown around carelessly, no tears, no worries. Just laughter and anecdotes being exchanged. A sad smile made its way onto my face as I wished with all my heart that life could always be like this. That everything could somehow go back to the way they were.

My pessimism had continuously dragged me through the negativity that plagued my very existence, but I think it felt like the right time to finally drop the dead weight that pulled me down and just... let go.

The weekend had dragged on, painfully slow as I spent the hours burying my head in my physics textbook as opposed to my laptop, scrolling through new series I could waste my life away, watching for hours on end.

Monday had rolled around and I sat in the silence of Ashton's car as he drove me to school, considering the fact that I was still grounded and the rules consisted of Ashton dropping me off and picking me up too. After what happened,mother's trust in me had dissipated faster than my motivation to finish the remainder of the semester.

I felt like I was holding on by a thin, thin piece of thread. One that would snap at any given moment. I kept telling myself I would finish for mom. She spent so much to get me here and I wouldn't waste it. Beyonce was probably wearing my college tuition, a single ring probably costing more than my entire house.

I wanted to get a job and work to make enough to pay for Ashton's treatment. He begged mother not to take out loan after loan, pay bill after bill, just for a treatment that was uncertain whether or not it would cure him.

But I didn't care what I had to do. I would do anything to keep him here with me.

With a strong head and a willing mind, I walked through the school corridors without a second glace at the others around me. I had become accustomed to the insults that made their way to my earholes, blocking them out as hard as I could. I had learned to keep my gaze trained at my tattered converse and that seemed to work... until I screamed out in pain, a hot liquid pouring onto me.

"Bitch what the fuck?!" The screeching voice was none other than queen bean Ashley, her uncovered thermos was tipped over, the scorching hot contents drained onto my clothes and soaking through, scalding my skin.

"Fricking fracking frogs of mother clucking biscuits!" My mouth spewed out in random splutters as I clenched and unclenched my fists, my bag dropping from my shoulder as I tried to run towards the direction of the girl's bathroom.

Key word: "tried" because before I knew it, I fell face flat onto the hard linoleum floors after being tripped up by my mortal enemy.

"Oops, my mistake." She said innocently, her cronies giving me looks of digust alongside her. "But wait, I guess you're just contagious." She continued, as I tried to stand, swallowing hard to rid the growing lump that was lodging itself in my throat. "You're just an accident waiting to happen." She said, walking away before kicking my already breaking bag, the contents spilling out, books scattering over the floor and her laughter fading along with my sanity.

I wasn't sure how much more I could take.

But the burning coffee made me think...

Number 10: Shower in gasoline and light myself up like the fourth of July

(A/N): hello again, umm I just wanted to say that I know I haven't updated in a while and I probably won't be for a while :/

Never fear! I won't be gone forever! It's just that exam season is coming up and I need to dedicate every second on basically, not failing.

This is definitely not the chapter because I have LOADS planned, so make sure you keep this in your libraries!

But this is the last chapter for now. I will definitely be back to writing in the summer, so expect plenty more, regular updates in July! I hope you guys understand :)

Thank you so much for the undying support and I'm so greatful for all the attention this book has gotten! (12k reads what?!)

I may or may not update tomorrow, but if I don't then, goodbye for now 👋👋

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