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Many people will come into your life. Some will stay others will leave. We will go through pain but in the end it'll all be worth it.

Seth is the person that changed my life. He has taught me to love myself. He pushes me to pursuit my dreams. He's never doubted me and he has believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself.

I'm not perfect. Now I understand I never will be perfect. Those obsessive thoughts in my mind only intoxicated my brain.

I'm not over my problems yet but I'm getting there. Every day is a step closer. These few months have changed my life completely.

Our family is still getting used to the idea of us being together. They're not very happy about it but I know they'll understand one day.

Seth and I constantly get judged for being with each other since we're "step-siblings". What they don't understand is that love just happens unexpectedly.

Seth and I didn't meant to fall in love. When my mom decided to marry Seth's dad I never knew I would meet the love of my life.

For years I took off my anger on him. For years I wanted to so very badly hate him but deep inside I couldn't. I never knew why until now. We went through many jumbled heartaches, headaches and problems but we overcame them all.

I wish I would've known that he was the love of my life sooner. I wish that day he slammed his plate in front of me I would've know that one day he would mean the world to me.

I wish I would've known so I would've spend more time with him. All those years wouldn't have gone to waste on my hatred and I would've probably gotten help sooner.

It's too late for the "I wish" though.  Things always happen for a reason. This whole experience has made me grown as a woman. I'm more independent and strong now.

Those horrible things I had to go through have made me bloom into the person I am today. I couldn't have done without my Rollins.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks as we stare at the night sky. "About everything that has happened." I say as he reaches over and grabs my hand.

We're laying on the wet grass watching the stars on a perfect night. Not too hot and not too cold. Just the perfect temperature.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" He asks as a breeze hits us. "A good thing." I assure as I squeeze his hand tighter.

He turns to face me and smiles. I turn my face to him and grin. "I do love nothing so well in the world as you. Is that not strange?"

He smiles bigger and speaks up, "I love thee with a love that shall not die, till the sun grows cold and the stars grow old."

He leans in and cups my face in his perfect hands. His soft lips press against mine.

This time I close my eyes because I'm not afraid to feel anymore.

Jumbled Heartaches* WWE FanficWhere stories live. Discover now